Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 06 07:28:01 EDT 2012 | jeremymek
You might want to look at a hand held ultrasonic stencil cleaner such as this one from Gen3 http://www.gen3systems.com/viewprod-GENSONIC.php *note i do not work for gen3 but they are a rep for other products my company produces
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 22 14:34:16 EDT 2024 | carl_p
Used a Gen 3 system for screens & boards. TDC for inline washing.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 16 18:05:29 EDT 2013 | Mike Konrad
This was built and sold by Trek Industries. Several years ago, Stoelting purchased Trek. I believe the machine is now discontinued. I am not sure if they continue to provide support. Here is there contact information: PW STOELTING, L.L.C. A VOLLRATH
Electronics Forum | Wed May 14 20:33:52 EDT 2008 | davef
1 DYNAMIC TESTERS * Kenco ionic contamination tester (Zero-Ion) [Aqueous Technologies; http://www.aqueoustech.com 909-944-7771 Mike Konrad * Ionograph [Specialty Coating Systems; 7645 Woodland Dr, Indianapolis, IN, 46278; 800-356-8260 317-244-1200 F3
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 27 10:12:07 EDT 2015 | fcmtechnician
Hi buy a manufactured machine! is not hard to build one, but the know how after you build it is the key point for you! Are you able to build and control the applicator to coat your board? are also some Budget machine on this area, look for Dima, Ca
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 22 17:32:17 EST 2020 | atpico
We are looking to buy a 2nd hand Europlacer p-n-p. We would be very grateful to have a real production competent opinion about EP feeders/trolleys Questions: 1. generally how good/bad are older (Gen1, Gen2) Europlacer feeders and trolleys systems
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 12 10:00:44 EST 2019 | alexeyzb
Hello! 1) You can try to use solderbility tester (https://www.gen3systems.com/solderability-testing-must). 2) You can try to find more agressive solder paste. Some time ago we had the same problem. We gave some samples to our friends from another co
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 21 20:15:50 EST 2013 | jeremymek
It depends really on what you are looking to spend. there are small bench top ultra sonic style cleaners ( eg http://www.gen3systems.com/viewprod-GENSONIC.php) or larger full automatic immersion style cleaners eg http://www.mb-tech.fr/en/our-soluti
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 22 10:12:14 EDT 2005 | davef
Common RTV does out-gas causing corrosion. NASA allows use of non/low-out-gassing RTV. Try the following companies: * Ablestik Electronic: Materials, 20021 Susana Road, Rancho Dominguez, California 90221 U.S.A., 310-764.4600, F 310-764-2545 * Arlon
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 12 08:32:44 EDT 2008 | pjc
Its actually a Seica machine. GenRad just labeled it. Teradyne/GenRad no longer supports the system. Go directly to Seica, http://www.seica.com , they are an Italian company with offices around the world. There is one in Nashua NH. Some 3rd party o