Electronics Forum: gencad data (Page 1 of 1)

Convertion Gerber to P&P data

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 11 10:12:23 EST 2006 | ratsalad

I've used an old version (maybe 7 or 8 years old) of GC-Place to convert gerber to centroid data. It is semi-automatic. If I remember correctly we'd start by selecting the pads for the largest components first. The software would find matching gro

obtain XY data from solder pad gerber drawing????

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 08 05:26:56 EDT 2011 | vinitverma

Hello, We offer a product called - PROCAM for this very application. PROCAM uses Gerber (274X) as input and extracts the centroid data for each component automatically. It exports the centroid to standard excel format (including board outline, circu

Re: EDA software ascii formats

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 02 08:30:24 EDT 1999 | Dan

Dave, You can get the ASCII formats directly from PADS, Mentor, and Orcad by becoming partners with them. They each have an alliance program you can join. Check out their websites. OrCAD can output GenCAD data directly now. Dan | Can any one s

what software is out there that will extract XY centroid from gerber data?

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 24 12:41:18 EST 2014 | mi

Depending on what X-Y centroid / CAD data you need, there are different SW I've used to do the job. If you need PCB gerber "artwork" (rounds, rectangles, lines, squares,...geometric figures), you can use GraphicCode GC-Place & such - load the gerber

CAD viewers, API

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 02 18:49:01 EDT 2001 | Suresh Balas

Hi I am developing an application that is used for data collection from the shop floor and would like to provide the technicians with a CAD viewer that will help them locate and repair components faster. 1) I would like to know what the industry sta

Centroid Data (or lack of it)

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 12 05:36:37 EST 2011 | vinitverma

We designed a fairly simple software called PROCAM to do exactly that! It takes 2 Gerber layers - Paste/Mask layer and the Silk layer. Within minutes you can extract all the centroids. PROCAM has a standard excel output with all the centroids, fiduci


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