Electronics Forum: gerber editor (Page 1 of 1)

gerber converter question

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 27 20:53:23 EST 2002 | djarvis

rotation reset. That engineers actually do this just proves to me what a mischievious bunch of "little minxes" they really are. What I do is pick a package and >select>same pattern>same rotation. Go through 0,180,-90,90 and check for each pattern. Th

Anyone who can help opening this .pcb file and converting it to gerber file?

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 10 07:00:40 EDT 2017 | spoiltforchoice

Actually it is, open it with a nice safe text editor and in amongst all the binary crap it cannot read are a few clues. This file was created with a free PCB layout tool called PCB Artist that is given away by Advanced Circuits http://www.4pcb.com/,

what software is out there that will extract XY centroid from gerber data?

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 15 15:01:06 EST 2014 | dexter11233

At my company we have to capture centroid data from gerber information on almost a daily basis, so tinkering and toying with quicker and easier methods of getting the job done are fairly common place with us. As stated by Richard Larue UniSofts cad

Convert Gerber files to Cad (text file).

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 29 14:09:39 EDT 2004 | Dave

What do you want to do with the gerber file? Most gerber outputted data is in ascii and can be read with notepad or any text editor. If you want to view the gerber data there are free viewers on the web ie: gerbv.sourceforge.net Hope this helps.

Affordable VisionBot Pick and Place Machine

Electronics Forum | Tue May 05 18:37:08 EDT 2015 | visionbot

Hi! I am Alexandru and I am a maker. Right now I am trying to build VisionBot which is a Surface Mount Technology assembly shooter that can be used to place SMD chips onto Printed Circuit Boards for PCBA. Practically the Vision Bot machine will ena

Solder Paste layer question

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 08 00:09:24 EST 2012 | jlawson

Mentor(Valor) has dfm softwares that not only looks at the stecnicl layers buy can look at other impacts that could effect the optimisation of the stencil design, ie solder mask layer tolerances defined from fabricator-design etc - this is a upper en

Circuit cam?

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 24 09:30:56 EST 2009 | fishingfool

Looking for an answer about file structure on CC. It has been 10 years since I have done anything with CC so bear with me. After you have created a job file that has all the components on it and the polarity parts have a pin 1 indicator, I need to

Re: Gerber editing package

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 10 20:59:02 EDT 2000 | Dave F

Try: View Mate (View only) - http://www.lavenir.com CamCAD (View only) - http://www.camcad.com GC-Prevue (View only) - http://www.graphicode.com PC Gerber II (View & limited data size editing) - http://www.ecam.com/us_home.htm While I've posted "vi

Program Optimization of Sanyo V820 series (V822,821)

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 24 20:40:18 EDT 2004 | dennispoquiz

Date: September 07, 2004 09:23 AM Author: V.Hazzlewood Subject: Program Optimization of Sanyo V820 series (V822,821) I use a V820 machine. There is no command. I have also got a manual for a V821 machine and they have included a command. In the

Re: Camelot Glue Dispenser Off-line Programming

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 15 12:37:51 EDT 1999 | Wolfgang Busko

| | Does anyone know the best way to program my Camelot glue dispenser off line? I really like the machine, it just takes me too long to program it. We do contract work so I can get gerber data for all (most) of my assemblies. I need to get these p


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