Electronics Forum: gerber to vios text file (Page 1 of 2)

How to convert text file or gerber file into cad file with cadEasy software of omron

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 18 08:38:54 EST 2019 | kgarlapa

We use gerber file for pick and place in smt machines, but in aoi we use cad files. Can you please suggest me how to convert gerber file into cad file by using cadEasy software of omron.

convert gerber file to .text cad

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 09:01:18 EDT 2023 | abdopower

Help: convert gerber file to cad file(.text) online not by application?

convert gerber file to .text cad

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 24 19:27:00 EDT 2023 | proceng1

I guess I don't understand the question. Convert to .text?

convert gerber file to .text cad

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 24 20:34:54 EDT 2023 | stephendo

I think he means ascii format.

Anyone who can help opening this .pcb file and converting it to gerber file?

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 10 07:00:40 EDT 2017 | spoiltforchoice

Actually it is, open it with a nice safe text editor and in amongst all the binary crap it cannot read are a few clues. This file was created with a free PCB layout tool called PCB Artist that is given away by Advanced Circuits http://www.4pcb.com/,

NEW to Philips Topaz-X need help programming

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 23 19:07:17 EDT 2008 | smt_guy

Hi, here's my 2 cents sir: You need.. a) The Gerber Data and the BOM b) Extract the XY CAD from the GERBER and build what they call Centroid Data. Save this in text format. c) Use Cad2Cad to import the centroid data and save it as Philips VIOS txt

NEW to Philips Topaz-X need help programming

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 19 16:54:29 EDT 2008 | snsmt

Assembleon/Philips has their own offline > programming software (PPS Gemline) to take you > from CAD (they should have a gerber utility) to > machine program. A lower cost aproach is > something like GC-Preview with the "Plus" option > to extra

Convert Gerber files to Cad (text file).

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 29 14:09:39 EDT 2004 | Dave

What do you want to do with the gerber file? Most gerber outputted data is in ascii and can be read with notepad or any text editor. If you want to view the gerber data there are free viewers on the web ie: gerbv.sourceforge.net Hope this helps.

Convert Gerber files to Cad (text file).

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 27 20:48:10 EDT 2004 | Ninh The Vu

Hi, Is there any CAD software that helps converting gerber file into cad (text file)? Any input will be great help. Thanks and regards, NTV

Convert Gerber files to Cad (text file).

Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 31 21:01:21 EST 2004 | pizzshen

valor's software--trilogy 5000 can do help for your request,but it is expensive .

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