Electronics Forum: gkg g 3 (Page 1 of 32)

Panasonic MPA 3

Electronics Forum | Mon May 03 17:14:36 EDT 2010 | stepheniii

If I remember correctly the best solution was to turn the shuttle off. I don't think we ever found any real benefit to using the shuttle. On some machines a shuttle is great but IRCC not so much on this one. Do some time trials to see if using the sh

Gold surface contam after prebake 150C for 3 hrs

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 07 22:15:31 EDT 2004 | davef

We're not familiar with the AUG5 from Taiyo. [It doesn't show on their US site.] Is it liquid photoimageable? Printed solder masks are more likely to bleed. But you wouldn't have any solderability with bleed. Your plating seems acceptable [if th

The GKG G5 press has occasional drive alarms

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 19 08:32:54 EDT 2022 | angela t

The GKG G5 press has occasional drive alarms, sometimes it turns off and restarts, sometimes it needs to be unplugged from the board cable at the back and the alarm returns after a period of production. What is the problem? Could any of you give me a

Benefit of GridLok screen printer ?

Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 05 05:14:00 EST 2020 | gaintstar

Automatic Stencil printer, I suggest GKG G5 printer, price 20000USD and best quality in the world, sold thousands set already. please contact me by email sales@flason-smt.com for more information.

The GKG G5 press has occasional drive alarms

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 26 01:46:04 EDT 2022 | angela t

The drive and power supply were checked and were fine, but later I found that there was a problem with the J22 cable, which would alarm if I touched it. I suspected that the cable was damaged and planned to buy a replacement cable to try.


Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 22 13:50:02 EDT 2013 | yoda

Soo... anybody have any experience with that printer? We think about it but I can't find any information about it. Or maby EKRA x3 is better option? Thanks.

Choosing a printer...

Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 04 13:53:08 EDT 2023 | kumarb

We own the Ekra X4 and pleased with it. Solid phone support from factory in the US. Do review GKG out of Asia which is supposed to be $20-$30k usd https://www.gkgasia.com/smt-printer-g-titan/ In speaking with Koki, they have the new Yamaha SMT pri

Choosing a printer...

Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 04 21:10:05 EDT 2023 | spoiltforchoice

> We own the Ekra X4 and pleased with it. Solid > phone support from factory in the US. Do review > GKG out of Asia which is supposed to be $20-$30k > usd https://www.gkgasia.com/smt-printer-g-titan/ > In speaking with Koki, they

Used dispenser machine HDP-G1 or HDP - G2

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 30 14:40:05 EST 1999 | Sergio Luiz Vito

I am Looking for used dispenser machine manufactured by panasonic (HDP-G1 or HDP-G3). Thanks Eng. Sergio Luiz Vito


Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 28 21:54:25 EDT 2005 | Ken

1 us gallon = 231 in^3 (NIST) 1 inch = 2.54 cm 1 in^3 = 16.38cm^3 16.38 cm^3 X 231 = 3785.41 cm^3 1cm^3 = 1g (pure water) 3785.41 cm^3 = 3785.41g or 3.785.41Kg Do I get credit for showing my work?

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