Electronics Forum: glen (Page 1 of 3)

Re: small metallic bridging

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 06 12:33:49 EST 1999 | Wolfgang Busko

Hi Glen, is it a wavesoldering or reflow problem ? Check the difference between the boards that show this symptom and those that doesn�t. Are there differences in the material, the handling, the processes, pitches etc. Looking at that should help you

Users opinion of V J Technology X Ray machines

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 24 12:57:00 EDT 2002 | dragonslayr

Anybody use the VJ- 1000- LP? Pros and cons? Comparable to Nicolet, conceptronics, Lixi, Glen Brook?

Countefeit Protection Plan

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 30 08:52:45 EST 2009 | davef

Glen Why don't you provide a link or publish your article in SMTnet Express, so that everyone can read it?

MY12 F-MOT-MSETDYN x/12: Position Counter Dead

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 05 09:42:41 EDT 2014 | cflames17

If you call service they can also walk you through the motor test. Ask for Glen. Al no longer works for MYDATA.

new SM482 or 2nd hand YS12 ?

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 07 20:28:37 EDT 2021 | glenenglish

Thanks very much. We assemble our own in house product, small volumes, high BOM counts. Wasn't able to contact you directly, maybe you could please private message me on this system. regards, glen.

new SM482 or 2nd hand YS12 ?

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 27 11:42:53 EDT 2021 | proceng1

Glen, if you have any questions about the Samsung machines, just ask.

Re: small metallic bridging

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 06 09:28:11 EST 1999 | Dave F

Glen: So that's this metal? Is it in the area of PTH or SMT solder connections? Etc, Etc. Assuming its near connections where pasted is reflowed ... Reflow defects, bridging: misplaced components, high placement force mushrooms paste, too much p

Re: small metallic bridging

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 09 04:53:36 EST 1999 | Glen brain

Hi, It is wavesoldering defect, in single- sided copper board, using alcohol-based rosin flux. It is not a bridging between the protruding leads but a metallic (I think, it is solder) link, varies in dia./thickness, connected the basement of solde

Re: small metallic bridging

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 14 12:41:56 EST 1999 | Kris W

Glen, Although the previous answers probably fit the problem you are having, we recently found that during pin insertion on an Autosplice machine, the gold was flaking from the pins and lodging between the legs of surface mount components. It would

Re: Poor soldering on Motorola 357 PBGA

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 06 10:52:52 EST 2000 | Glen Mantych

Glenn, we have been fighting perhaps the identical problem for nearly a year on a 1mm pitch BGA, we have performed numerous laboratory analyses of defective joints and virgin parts in an effort to specifically identify the cause of the no-wet joints.

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