Electronics Forum | Mon May 14 09:43:37 EDT 2001 | orbotech
As the face of business changes through revolutionary factors, such as the increasing rate of outsourcing, manufacturers (especially EMS plants) will strive to fine tune their test strategies to ultimately improve and sustain product quality and to r
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 21 18:39:55 EST 2011 | khid
i've been in manufacturing for 15 yrs. I used AOI with match patter as well algorithm base in one machine. Easy to program, can built in global library based on your cspecs or part number use in the manufacturing line. ROI can be achieved in the shor
Electronics Forum | Mon May 14 03:21:20 EDT 2001 | Eyal Duzy
Phil, In the considerations you make for choosing an AOI tool, you should check what a vendor delivers today and what will it be able to deliver in the future. As the role of AOI in the SMT production line evolves from "detection" to "prevention"
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 21 12:28:02 EDT 2000 | Barbara Keating
MVT has never been in as strong position as they are today. Over the past two weeks alone, MVT has opened two new offices in Mexico and Singapore, launched new products and closed more sales than any other previous period. MVT's AOI solutions are rap
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 08 16:10:44 EST 2024 | tommy_magyar
Unfortunately no sample numbers. We are building our own products, not a contract manufacturer. We are monitoring AOI, RMAs and rework - this only started in the last couple of months, but top management inclines not to give a target as it may "upset
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 03 12:08:59 EDT 2010 | hegemon
I had an opportunity two years ago to evaluate three benchtop AOI systems. Omron, Yestech, and Mirtec. I was fortunate to be able to have all three machines side by side for my evaluation period, which lasted near a full month. At the time I was
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 14 12:22:55 EST 2025 | tommy_magyar
Location: Europe The company I worked for in the past was a sub-contractor global player with close to 100 reputable customers from around the world. On the first run - which we called the sample prototype run - we needed to validate a product on o
Electronics Forum | Fri May 24 09:19:02 EDT 2019 | davef
http://www.nordsonselect.com. Accel: Cookson created Speedline after purchasing: MPM®, Electrovert®, Accel®, and Camalot®. In 2003, KPS Special Situations Fund II purchased Speedline from Cookson. In, 2007, Illinois Tool Works ITW acquired Speedlin
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A Manufacturer of High Quality, Precision, Automated Fluid Dispensing and Conformal Coating Systems, SMT Cover Tape Peel Tester and Lead Forming machines for through-hole component preparation.
611 Hollingsworth Street
Grand Junction, CO USA
Phone: (970) 245-0408