Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 30 13:26:10 EDT 2021 | amaliahx
The pandemic has altered people's habits, causing a surge in demand for home electronic devices. This has swept the global chip supply and disrupted automobile manufacturing. The pandemic has led to the global shortage of semiconductors or chips, and
Electronics Forum | Tue May 26 23:42:20 EDT 2020 | smiran082
Hello, I am having trouble the QSV-1 PNP machine. On boot it had trouble connecting to the RT computer as it was hung on a message saying something along the lines of, "Establishing connection to RT computer". After several restarts we still could
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 12 18:06:33 EDT 2015 | bnorton
Here's the end of Logicomm capture on Force COMM2 where it starts the Lantern system not active messages. Couldn't get attach to work. Startup and earlier .ldx file loading omitted ulLoadTasks(): Opening the RFS pseudo device driver ... ulLoadTas
Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 08 09:45:11 EDT 2015 | edwaterfall01
It would be helpful to know what happened before the error occurred. Do you have another machine so that you can swap some boards? The Force CPU, (machine controller) located in the VME, is responsible for controlling all machine-related activities.
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 06 13:00:37 EST 2006 | global
We have a Siplace S15 and I would like to know if it is possible to make it skip a part during the placement operation with out aborting the job? In section of the user's manual it describes how to set a track to empty and proceed on with the
Electronics Forum | Wed May 18 18:36:22 EDT 2005 | global
Ok here's one for ya. We have a DEK 260 with a Cyberbectic vision system, 1 of about only 50 made as told to me by a DEK service Tech. So if anyone has operated one of the other 49 you may be able to help. The Service techs at DEK are not familiar en
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 18 09:49:43 EST 2019 | bobpan
This is going from my memory from a long time ago...but in the scp.ini file....there could be digital light control and/or a matrix tray handler setting. I would turn them off if they are on. I believe this has something to do with a system setting.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 19 07:21:07 EST 2007 | meritajs
Thank all for your advices. But we had sistem error,which was connected,how we could undestand with failure main PC controller boards.We had swoped winchester memory block and Zevatech operation was restored Best regards Peter
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 17 12:19:41 EST 2010 | cyber_wolf
Remove the HIMV-134 card. Unscrew the piggy back memory card and re-seat it. See if that helps.
Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 02 04:48:30 EST 2019 | dfl
yes it's moving at the wrong pitch, about 3 components a time. Is the programming you talking about at the microcontroller AT85C55 or that serial memory 24C04? Or there is some procedure on the Quad to adjust this?
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