Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 11 09:32:16 EST 2005 | patrickbruneel
"Finally, going back to your original point "I have insisted if it looks good don't touch it." That's the real issue. You and your operators have different standards. [Can you imagine how much touch-up your going to have when you go to leadfree?]"
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 30 07:03:07 EDT 2008 | gemengr
DEK_265LT had been turn off and on by itsefl couple of time yesterday,and then off for good. I check the power going in to machine to the switch,got power to it,then power out to that little green box but there wasn't any power out put from that lit
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 11 08:15:35 EST 2005 | davef
It sounds like you already know the answer. Hand soldering is much more stressful to a board than mass soldering, because: * It is more localized and there is no preheat. * It is more difficult to control. [Different connections require different h
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 26 20:40:36 EDT 2001 | davef
Your profile seems reasonable, as you say. As CPI says: Sure it could be planiarity issues with the balls, but that is not something that makes me want to do a Pete Rose belly-flop, head-first slide into first base that this is the source of your p
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 10 07:40:33 EDT 2005 | pjc
To make an "L" you use a 90 deg turn unit, a.k.a. "diverter" conveyor, then connect to a straight or linking conveyor. Go to this link to see turn unit: http://www.flexlink.com/wps/public/s/10000/c/29667
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 30 06:26:27 EDT 2011 | leemeyer
Thanks NRS, I do not have any documantation for this conveyor but I thought something like that was going on. I am in Northeast Ohio.
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 08 14:56:10 EDT 2001 | Mike
I think the problem is going to be the cooling zone location. All of the heat zones are built the same, but the cooling zone can not be moved easily.
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 10 14:27:57 EDT 2005 | pjc
Go here for JOT Automation: http://www.elektrobit.com/index.php?1415 Here are some more board handling suppliers: http://www.dynapace.com/ http://www.nutek-sg.com/
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 08 03:42:31 EDT 2001 | Darby
Can't get on to the Heller email or website and I require an urgent answer. Has any one had any experience in reversing the conveyor direction and thus all the zone set ups etc in a Heller 1500w or similar. What did it cost and were you happy with th
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 20 08:36:30 EST 2006 | jdengler
I've never had this problem on an Omniflo oven, but have seen it on others. It has always turned out to be mechanical. A bearing going bad or FOD in the rails. I would pull the chains and carefully check each link of both chains, all of the bearin