Electronics Forum: gold finger cleaning devices (Page 1 of 13)

Solder at gold finger

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 02 12:05:54 EST 2001 | slthomas

There used to be a thread on this very topic in the archives, but I'll be danged if I can find it. One company name I've forgotten and lost, but their product name is Gold Finger Gloves, I think. I sent them an email and left a voice mail message i

Solder on gold finger

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 18 10:16:49 EDT 2006 | russ

Clean up!, check all conveyors for paste, the printer, oven. If you are splattering in the oven than you need a better profile or better paste, one of the two, maybe both. Hope was helpful Russ

Solder at gold finger

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 01 20:21:34 EST 2001 | huat

Hi, Currently, we use kapton tape to tape out the goldfinger at our area. We still experience solder at goldfinger area, suspected is from washing of misprint boards. Can someone advice me on what is the method being use to clean the goldfi

Solder at gold finger

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 05 20:43:27 EST 2001 | davef

1 Solder on gold fingers comes from: 1a About 70 % of the time it's caused by poor cleaning of screen printer, staging area (table), conveyor, reflow oven chain or belt, and keeping boards separate from cleaning process 1b After loading paste onto

Solder on gold finger

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 20 05:04:30 EDT 2006 | bing007

We had a similar problem with gold contact pads. Cleanliness is paramount. If you are using foil tensioning system, wash the foil in a stencil wash before use as the cardboard cassettes may be contaminated. Be very careful when loading into a frame f

Re: Solder on gold finger

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 27 17:09:20 EDT 1998 | Rin

| We are trying to reduce the number of units fail at system test due to flux on gold finger. We know so far that the flux is deposited onto the | goldfinger during touch-up or rework and to reduce the contamination we are | planning to imp

Re: Solder on gold finger

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 28 02:28:48 EDT 1998 | Bob Willis

The causes for solder on gold are: Paste wash offs Dirty stencils Dirty under stencil cleaning cloths/no solvent Poor handling The most common reason is wash offs when there is a couple of balls left on the tabs and they reflow. With correct profile

About the PCB gold finger contamination.

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 18 22:10:48 EDT 2002 | Joe Wong

I'm working China ,in my working factory is a electronic OEM factory and got COB and SMT. But recently, COB got a big problem because the PCB gold finger got a contamination, that make us got a most defect product. So anyone can answer me how to clea

About the PCB gold finger contamination.

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 19 20:28:59 EDT 2002 | bugsjoe

* What kind of the eraser can clean clearly?I've been use the eraser but the defect still present.

solution for gold cleaning

Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 17 22:50:20 EDT 2000 | Sartor

I am looking for a solution for gold finger cleaning and repairing.Can anyone recommend good solution(s)?Also,can anyone recommend a good flux paste source(s)?Thanks.

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