Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 13 13:49:16 EST 2017 | slthomas
Preemptively you can apply Kapton tape to protect the gold fingers during reflow. I think that's what most people do. After the fact, there are services available to clean them up but as it was described in another thread here, it is not in-expensiv
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 14 08:52:07 EST 2017 | davef
If you think the problem is occurring in the box and it is wide spread, consider replacing your solder paste with your paste supplier. There are paste formulations aimed at the solder balling issue that some LF pastes create. On tuning your reflow r
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 13 23:33:33 EST 1998 | Kallol Chakraborty
| | | I believe that gold fingers on my circuit boards are being | | | contaminated and need to clean them with some chemical | | | solution. Any recommendations. | | | | | Chuck: What is the type and source of your contamination? Dave F | | We a
Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 14 08:05:54 EST 1998 | Earl Moon
| | | | I believe that gold fingers on my circuit boards are being | | | | contaminated and need to clean them with some chemical | | | | solution. Any recommendations. | | | | | | | Chuck: What is the type and source of your contamination? Dave
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