Electronics Forum: goldfinger gold thickness (Page 1 of 33)

Gold plating thickness on gold finger

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 07 20:34:48 EDT 1999 | Tony Huang

Hi, Does anybody know what is the minimum gold plating thickness on the PCB goldfinger required by the industrial specifications - IPC, Bellcore, etc. Where can I find the information? Appreciate for the help! Thanks, Tony

Re: Gold plating thickness on gold finger

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 08 17:12:31 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| Hi, | | Does anybody know what is the minimum gold plating thickness on the PCB goldfinger required by the industrial specifications - IPC, Bellcore, etc. Where can I find the information? Appreciate for the help! | | Thanks, | Tony | Hi Tony:

Automate goldfinger masking?

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 30 09:54:34 EST 2006 | gregcr

HI All We have some products that we apply kapton tape to the goldfingers prior to the SMT process. This is currently done manually. It is labor intensive and I am looking for an automated method to apply tape to the gold fingers. If anyone has a

Automate goldfinger masking?

Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 31 07:31:40 EST 2006 | davef

Thoughts are: * Eliminate solder spotting on gold fingers through process improvement in broard handling, printing paste control, and reflow recipe development. Search the fine SMTnet Archives for previous discussions. * Dispense or print a reflow te

Gold thickness

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 15 16:30:57 EDT 2008 | boardhouse

Hi Aj, Recommended Immersion gold thickness would be 3-5 Micro inches over 140 -200 micro inches of Nickel. Thicker Immersion gold than 5 micro inches can cause solder joint embrittlement. Gold readily dissolves in molten solder and will be present

Gold thickness

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 10 09:16:41 EDT 2008 | aj

Hi all, What should the typical gold thickness be on ENIG boards ? aj...

Gold thickness

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 28 06:23:29 EDT 2008 | cobar

Please look up http://www.shanelo.co.za/Black%20Pad%20Index.htm and check out the article named"Soldering to gold a practical guide."

Gold thickness

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 11 08:17:22 EDT 2008 | aj

Hi Dave, Yes that is correct. I had a XRF carried out on some boards that I am having solderability issues on and the report came back with 0.04um - 0.05um as the measured gold thickness. Previous batches that went through fine measured 0.07-0.11u

Gold thickness

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 10 22:19:14 EDT 2008 | davef

Search the fine SMTnet Archives to find threads like: http://www.smtnet.com/forums/Index.cfm?CFApp=1&Message_ID=33661

Gold thickness

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 11 02:42:40 EDT 2008 | aj

Thanks Dave, IPC-6012 states min at 0.05um. Has this been a update or is it for a different class? thanks, aj...

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