Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 07 16:26:34 EDT 2018 | m_imtiaz
thanks for your input
Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 09 08:38:14 EDT 2018 | devinpcb
I have found the paste flux is the worst. It leaves a black residue that can corrode.
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 29 09:32:27 EDT 2018 | m_imtiaz
Dear All We are using structural similar type of connector in A & B product with same set parameter in selective soldering machine but result in B product is not good. Observation – Plating on A product Connector terminal done on all 4 side But In
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 23 08:46:49 EDT 2000 | Andy
Does anyone have info on wheathe automatic optical inspection is worth the money, and if so what should I look for when buying. What models are people having success with.
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 17 12:21:43 EDT 2018 | bpeay
M_, the parts may be similar but the boards look to be different. Is the thermal relief for each lead on each board the same? what is the board finish, HASL, Enig, OSP or other? The part itself may not be your problem but the part that is partial pla
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 15 09:05:16 EDT 1998 | mike weekes
Hi folks, I'm looking for PWB fab houses (for single sided, doublesided and multilayer boards) that you have worked with who are reasonable on price, excellent on support/response and great on quality. I'm at 800 323 9562 Mike Weekes - The Phoenix
Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 18 00:04:14 EDT 1998 | Kallol Chakraborty
| Hi folks, | | I'm looking for PWB fab houses (for single sided, doublesided and multilayer boards) that you have worked with who are reasonable on price, excellent on support/response and great on quality. | | I'm at 800 323 9562 | | Mike Weekes
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 29 12:12:14 EDT 2018 | solderingpro
What type of flux are you using today? - Obviously you have already outlined the difference in the parent materials and parent material preparation, so using the same program/profile will not work; the characteristics are different. Try increasing p
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 02 13:27:41 EDT 2013 | ericrr
So where does one get good flux? the engineers had a little bottle of good flux that the owner of the company liked, it had a oily feel to it. So then the company purchased some more since the engineers look like it was about to run out, the owner of
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 24 10:55:50 EDT 2002 | bdoyle
Sorry about starting multiple threads about this but I'm trying to keep thoughts together. Anyhow there's a thread up right now that is a good example of an old thread that is still good: http://www.smtnet.com/Forums/index.cfm?fuseaction=view_threa