Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 16 17:34:35 EDT 1998 | VICTOR VELANDIA
| We have several MV machines, MVIIc and 150 in excellent shape. We have BTU ovens, Panasert SPPD screen printers and Seiko Robots (RT and XM). Victor Velandia
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 30 13:28:54 EST 2006 | realchunks
Wow, Sigapore has resistors at $0.0002 off?!?!?!?
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 04 02:19:46 EST 2006 | aj
It all sounds so familiar !!!!
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 30 05:01:52 EST 2006 | aj
I dont claim to be a guru but I would say that the only cycle time you can control or be responsible for is your machine cycle time. Operator cycle time will vary and you cant control that.
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 30 07:43:36 EST 2006 | non guru
Absolutely, you should be held accountable for untrained operators, slow operators, bathroom breaks and any other human intervention! Are weekends affecting cycle time as well? You have a "tough" customer you're dealing with. Good luc
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 30 09:28:23 EST 2006 | SWAG
Cycle time is one thing, "operating factor" is another. Set-up and tear-down should be seperate from cycle time as well.
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 30 11:32:07 EST 2006 | fastek
I have the feeling FishingFool's situation or dilemma is not a PCB Assembly related application......or at least it's not a component placement related application with auto board loading and fiducial recognition. That would be too easy to figure out
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 30 11:30:31 EST 2006 | billwestiet
I like this definition the best. After years of sales of pick and place and other, this is always still a topic of discussion. If your customer's cycle time involves building a board in two different machines, then I would suggest measuring and add
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 23 13:10:29 EDT 2005 | davef
We've never heard of this [but all of our gold is electroless, not electrolytic]. If the delamination is caused by the electroylic gold finishing and the via plug process during fabrication, something is wrong. Either your supplier: * Is goofy ...
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 13 14:01:37 EST 2013 | davef
Things that come mind are: * Not sure why you want to do this, since probing solder gives a longer probe life than probing copper. * I've never tried it, but I see no reason why you couldn't probe Kapt0n or blue painters tape. * Fabs [or you] can pri