Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 27 09:18:05 EDT 2006 | jdengler
The EU is a relatively new government on top of existing governments. This means they have even less real work to do than other governments. In order to exist they must do something. With a growing environmental movement this provides a great way
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 28 10:25:20 EST 1998 | Chris Fontaine
I have not been able to find a standard which governs component lead sweep. We use an internal standard of 4 mils here at Sanders, and your 6 mil sweep would definitely be unacceptable. I believe the reason there is no standard governing sweep is b
Electronics Forum | Thu May 22 07:57:09 EDT 2008 | realchunks
We should just let our local governments ban our blood. Case closed.
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 19 09:56:11 EST 2003 | pjc
REsys Inc. should be able to supply. go to http://www.resysinc.com I had some Kronenbourg 1664 last night. Does that make me un-American? Hands down the best tasting beer ever- in my opinion. I am anti-boycott. Its the government, not the people. A
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 30 13:11:05 EDT 2007 | stepheniii
Are you talking about the US or Syria? No one has judged the US. I'm saying don't judge Basam. The US Government says he can't buy American. I ask you Americans should he defy the US government and buy American anyways? Even though that could give
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 19 14:58:56 EST 2010 | patrickbruneel
I shared a consultation report on Toyota’s sudden acceleration problems made by Keith Armstrong for the US Government’s NHTSA. It just lists the lead free move as a possible cause, nothing more nothing less. And if Toyota wasn't completely lead free
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 17 21:02:00 EDT 2002 | ianchan
Hi mates, back over at our side, bad service is not only prevalent in the machine service industry, it occurs even in esteemed department stores and restaurants...etc. only in recent years has our local government revamped the quality of service, s
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 22 02:48:55 EDT 2002 | ianchan
Hi, a did a study on a FMEA for a government project, and I do not relish going thru that S**T again! Aye laddie, as a QA skirt i must protest! its called a kilt, not a skirt! *grinz* and we dun keep FMEAs in the folder cabinet, there's only room f
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 01 08:37:15 EST 2002 | Stefan
When I do a patent search, I find that most of the patents related to our business come out of Japan. I wonder, if in this country, government and business do enough to encourage employees and reward their ideas. For entrepreneurs a patent is quite
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 30 12:17:49 EDT 2007 | stepheniii
The US told him he can not buy American. He and I never said that there is anything wrong with buying American. The fact is the US government says he cannot buy American. He needs equipment. The US government says he can't buy American, therefore he