Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 14 09:01:59 EDT 1999 | Bruce
Why not to use an MCS30: Hardware is proprietary, OS-9 format, expensive to fix or replace, support, slow, RS-232 or ethernet hookup for CAD download, flat file format. F4G: PC is purchased by you, WindowsNT 4.0, inexpensive to fix or replace, supp
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 02 15:57:25 EST 2002 | jax
That's what I was thinking when I started the project. Turns out for each part the rendering is an OLE object. Even if I was able to write a script to access the package editor inside CircuitCam I wouldn't be able to create new files. I assume this i
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 29 10:52:57 EST 2007 | jaimebc
You are probably using a GSM since you mentioned "enhanced board setup". 1.- Your CAD data. It works better when all your data uses bottom left of the PCB as a board origin ( BO ). If my CAD does not use bottom left as a BO, then I edit the data in
Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 20 21:52:21 EST 1999 | Steve Gregory
| I am looking for clip art images of electronics assembly. Images like wave soldering, surface mount components, soldering irons... just general assembly graphics. Many sites have different individual images that they use I was just wondering if a
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 25 14:13:13 EST 1999 | Bob Willis
| | I am looking for clip art images of electronics assembly. Images like wave soldering, surface mount components, soldering irons... just general assembly graphics. Many sites have different individual images that they use I was just wondering if
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