Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 08 07:35:34 EDT 1999 | Wolfgang Busko
| | Whats the average pay an SMT operator should get i work with fuji panasonic and mydata equipment | | | Why all these payscale questions? Review time?? | Pay, in SMT, is determined by what you know and what you can get the machine to do. If
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 09 10:15:29 EDT 2019 | oxygensmd
Hello Everybody, I have a Siplace S20 machine which make X axis counting error. I replaced the sensor, scale and all the parts are good. It seems to be measuring error because the machine do measing error if the X axe move to much. Do somebody have
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 19 10:40:07 EDT 2019 | bobpan
The only thing left is the read head. Older read heads tend to 'weaken' with age. Sometimes some engineers will shim them up closer to the scale using a 10 mil shim. You could also swap them between gantries...i dont think they are to tough to get to
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 15 18:03:56 EST 2000 | JAX
Dane, I'll give you a quick guess before I log off; The reason you are seeing problems with dome shaped fiducials is probably because the machines in question do not use grey scale recognition. They asign either black or white( not 256 shades of grey
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 30 12:48:59 EDT 2009 | dannou
I've been the AOI programmer for around 5 years now. The equipment I use is the Orbotech VT-9300 & VT-9500 systems. The programming isn't too difficult, mostly Grey-scale shadow measurement through application algorithms. Three levels of lighting an
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 12 10:40:27 EDT 2016 | leeg
Brad, have you got any calibration jigs with the machine? This could also be down to laser offset or laser scaling which are both calibrated with different jigs. Where are you based?
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 06 07:27:47 EST 2019 | kylehunter
To do that requires a calibration scale, which we don't have. But even if it is out of calibration, it still wouldn't explain why it states that the setpoint is 5kg always, even when it is set to 12kg.
Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 12 22:23:37 EST 2006 | Steveo
With any AOI machine, it will only be successful if your programmer is interested in getting it to run well. It is not rocket science, but if you want low false calls you need to invest time and energy into programming, especially if you have a high
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 02 08:48:44 EDT 2010 | rway
You stated, "The larger the fid dia, lesser is the accuracy during recognition." I don't necessarily disagree as far as the positioning of the fiducial in relation to the camera. In fact, I believe this to be the case and with a perfect fid, this i
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 17 09:59:12 EDT 2018 | dnachristen
That's incorrect. 3D aoi is extremely useful for determining solder flow and slope which a 2D can't do. Yes it's also great for coplanarity, tomb stoning, head and pillow and a multitude of other defects. Most 3d AOI use cad models and height measure