Electronics Forum | Sun May 08 23:42:43 EDT 2005 | brianhuang
hi,Rob Our company also have some old machines GS1 & GS1+ and,our area service center can not support them,so we had to solve the issues we meet.Maybe we could exchange our experiences about this machine. By the way,I want to know which version are y
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 24 13:34:58 EDT 2003 | jbservices
Can anybody point me to a web site or help with specs for MVT paste inspection GS1 machine. thanks
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 17 18:38:29 EST 2004 | fatally_phoenix
Does anyone know of a tech that can service and train on a MVT GS-1 AOI?
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 04 11:27:05 EST 2004 | Alan
Did you try contacting Agilent or their support partners (CSA) ?? I know for a fact they still have a couple of guys there that are still familiar with the Console setup of the GS-1's.
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 20 04:28:22 EDT 2005 | Rob
Hi, does anyone know of a company that supports the old MVT GS1 AOI machines? Agilent no longer support these and we are having issues with all 4. Cheers, Rob.
Electronics Forum | Tue May 03 07:50:18 EDT 2005 | scotceltic
Rob, I have soft copies of the GS1 Manuals if that would help. Just curious what your issues are, I may be able to offer help.
Electronics Forum | Tue May 17 14:58:47 EDT 2005 | scotceltic
Did you guys try CSA (Customer Service Associates). They are the support arm of Agilent. I know there are a couple of guys around still that are familiar with the GS-1's. Their phone number is 440-832-0822. Ask for Mike Dickey
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 04 17:28:51 EST 2004 | adlsmt
Are you interested in buying an MVT SJ-10 at a great price?
Electronics Forum | Tue May 17 14:55:57 EDT 2005 | scotceltic
You can contact the sales guy Mike Dickey at 440-832-0822
Electronics Forum | Tue May 17 20:31:04 EDT 2005 | brianhuang
And could you tell me their email? thanks a lot!!