Electronics Forum: gsm 12mm feeders (Page 1 of 28)

16mm CL Feeder 12mm Pitch?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 27 20:01:59 EST 2022 | llawrence

Hi, I have a component that comes on 16mm tape and I am using it in a CL series feeder. The pitch of the tape is 12mm, but there are only settings for 4 and 8mm on the feeder. Is there a such thing as a 16mm CL feeder that can do 12mm pitch? If ther

16mm CL Feeder 12mm Pitch?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 27 21:43:35 EST 2022 | williamaxler

Take the 2 screws out of the pitch plate and flip it over.

16mm CL Feeder 12mm Pitch?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 27 21:35:35 EST 2022 | sarason

Get a copy of the binary for the machine and hack it to support the option. Or if it is still in warranty ask the manufacturer for an update. sarason

16mm CL Feeder 12mm Pitch?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 28 02:06:33 EST 2022 | llawrence

Perfect, that'll do it! Has 16mm pitch too, thanks!

Assembl�on feeders

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 13 04:46:15 EDT 2006 | AR

Has anybody else noticed a problem with Assembl�on's mechanical 12 mm feeders, with 4 mm pitch? We are experiencing grave pickup problems with a MELF diode packed this way and fed with this type of feeder. If I attach a hefty weight to the blister ta

0402 feeders

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 02 17:19:49 EDT 2006 | flipit

Yes 0402 8X4 embossed feeders exist for Panasonic MSR, Universal GSM, Contact Systems, and Mimot for sure. In the old days of 0402 components, 0402 resistors used to come in 8X4 paper tape but now I think most 0402 resistors and capacitors come in 8

Assembleon CL feeders

Electronics Forum | Mon May 20 15:26:51 EDT 2013 | smtventasmex

you are looking for 8 and 12 mm contact me at vhmaderoATsmtvys.com

Universal GSM feeders

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 22 12:04:59 EDT 2012 | mosborne1

Anyone know where a good source to get Universal GSM feeders?

Universal GSM feeders

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 26 05:11:34 EDT 2012 | eps

we can help you with GSM feeders send us a list of what you require sales@epsolutionsltd.com

Universal GSM feeders

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 19 20:21:07 EDT 2012 | eadthem

You might keep a eye on SMT auctions, Sometimes you can get a good deal. As long as you get the feeder for less than 100-200$ each at auction/ up to 500$ each for a dual lane, you can be assured that you can fix it to fully working if its broken

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