Electronics Forum: gsm feeder (Page 1 of 21)

feeder maintenance

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 24 21:48:22 EST 2006 | bigdaddysoy9

Universal has GSM feeder manuals in .PDF format on their website. http://www.uic.com/ You have to register to view them.

feeder maintenance

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 24 10:39:45 EST 2006 | O.K.

Hello everybody ! I am looking for manuals or catalogs for different makes of feeders - fuji, siemens, gsm. does anybody know where to find it ? thanks in advance, any replies will be appreciated.

GSM feeder O-ring size?

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 20 17:47:52 EST 2007 | gregcr

Hi All does anyone know the size of the o-ring on the front coupling on the GSM feeders? I know I can get them from UIC, but maybe there is a size I can buy in bulk to maintain my feeders. thanks

Re: GSM feeder question

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 15 16:13:12 EST 2000 | M Cox

Same in U.S. You can only purchase the HD feeders from Universal. MC

GSM feeder O-ring size?

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 22 12:36:51 EST 2007 | stimpk

How many do you need? I purchased 800 size 3x1 for our GSM feeders 2 years ago and still have enough to repair for years to come! Its Xmas and I'm in the spirit... send me your mailing address and I'll send you about 50 for free. Kevin Mail back At

GSM feeder question

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 14 15:46:50 EST 2000 | g cronin

is there any tape feeders for the GSM that have adjustable pitch and/or width?? I thought I heard of a "Universal" Universal feeder.. If so what is the part numbers thanks

GSM feeder O-ring size?

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 21 09:36:48 EST 2007 | mulder0990

Measure the O-ring if you are able to get to it and take the specs to any industrial supply shop, online or otherwise, and see what their price is. I repair Fuji feeders, so I cannot really help on the size but that is how I get the O-rings for my f

Re: GSM feeder question

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 15 14:38:23 EST 2000 | LC

You can also try calling Universal. I don't know what the situation is like in the States but we can't get the Multi-pitch feeders directly from Hoover-Davis here because of contractual agreement between Hoover-Davis and Universal. LC

GSM1 feeder teach

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 20 07:31:26 EDT 2007 | dilogic

We have GSM1 running on USOS V1.4.14. Is there a way to change default light levels for PEC (down looking camera) during feeder teach? Whatever I tried, it is always set to some default level... - Dejan

Re: GSM feeder question

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 14 16:22:05 EST 2000 | JAX

The feeders that you are probably refering to are made by hoover-davis. They only have adjustable pitch( electronic ). You probably will not find a universal feeder that has adjustable width. This is because the guide track is positioned on the left

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