Electronics Forum: gsm hard drive (Page 1 of 27)

JUKI KE-2050/60RL hard drive

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 04 12:00:07 EST 2020 | jandon

Has anyone successfully replaced JUKI KE-2050/60RL HDD with the SSD hard drive?

Backup a OS/2 GSM hard drive?

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 12 09:48:16 EST 2015 | ttheis

That would be great; I have a few parts I'm searching for including board support tooling. I can send you some photos and information on my machine. Do you also do training? We're a small business in the Gurnee area off highway 41. Thanks.

Backup a OS/2 GSM hard drive?

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 10 19:43:21 EST 2015 | ttheis

Regarding redundancy to keep an old GSM machine from going down, I've backed up my mapping, calibration and configurations files and I'm picking up spare parts here and there for the VME but I would like to have something in place in the even the mac

Backup a OS/2 GSM hard drive?

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 12 08:34:59 EST 2015 | jfeustel

Tom, we are in the Chicago area and we deal extensively with used Universal Instruments equipment. I probably have just about anything you might need for an older GSM in stock. I agree with Deni in that I would match a replacement hard drive very cl

Backup a OS/2 GSM hard drive?

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 15 11:14:40 EST 2015 | ilavu

You can create backup image of your entire hard drive using Acronis TrueImage or ghost. I use acronis and never had any problem. As for the hard drive size, "YOU DON"T HAVE TO BUY OLD USED HARD DRIVE". Size of the new hard drive does not matter if yo

Backup a OS/2 GSM hard drive?

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 11 16:32:26 EST 2015 | dilogic

I've bought used GSM's and registered them by UIC. As a result, I am able to access their web-based document archive, which is of great help if you need to repair something. From the software side, you're on your own. Try to find an old HD backup sof

HSP Hard drive

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 09 22:51:34 EST 2009 | msherwood

How hard is it to replace and reformate the C: drve in a HSP 4796. I have all the disk I think and the cal disk. Is there something specail I should know before I start.

Transferring backed up files to new hard drive compaq prolinea 4/33s

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 07 13:19:42 EST 2016 | travishemen

We have had some luck buying an exact matching hard drive and swapping the circuit board from the newly purchased drive to the old drive. I have done this twice in the last year and it has made the old drive work again. Travis

Transferring backed up files to new hard drive compaq prolinea 4/33s

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 06 16:10:25 EST 2016 | teslalab2

Hi! I have a Quad IVc pick and place that runs dos. The GUI computer is a compaq prolinea 4/33s. The hard drive went stupid mode and now wont respond. I have all of the data backed up. I tried transferring the files to a fairly modern hard drive (20g

Transferring backed up files to new hard drive compaq prolinea 4/33s

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 07 06:08:12 EST 2016 | bobpan

I think there are size limitations for the hard drive in those old computers. I would look on ebay and try to find an exact replacement and transfer your files onto it. I think it should work if everything is copied. good luck

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