2 gsm1 timeout waiting spindle up results

Electronics Forum: gsm1 timeout waiting spindle up (Page 1 of 1)

GSM1 zero - timeout waiting for spindle up error

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 14 19:55:06 EDT 2018 | amartineck

I have a GSM1 that when try to zero it, it stops with the "Timeout waiting for spindle up" message. To get thsi up and running, I have set all my machine settings to default and had to reselect the head from a C4 1 head to the flex head. I initially

Timeout waiting for nozzle changer vacuum buildup.

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 01 09:54:02 EDT 2017 | gsmx4321

I get a Timeout waiting for nozzle changer vacuum buildup failure every time I go to run my 1998 GSMx machine. The problems seems to be that once in a while (it seems to be random) the spindle does not line up exactly in the center of the nozzle cha


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