Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 14 17:16:10 EST 2006 | bigdaddysoy9
Yeah, definitely do what BillyD said before you go any further.
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 17 06:31:07 EST 2006 | geb
Thanks for your help Pitbull, this seems to have resolved our problem. Thank you!
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 15 13:22:41 EST 2006 | geb
Thanks for your help. We took a copy of the complete hard drive (ghost) in August last year when it was operating correctly. We have replaced this hard drive with ghost, but have the same problem. So we think it must be a hardware problem.
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 15 21:22:46 EST 2006 | bigdaddysoy9
The PILZ card, which is in the AC chassis, governs the safety circuit. Check for 24VAC going into the PILZ and 24VDC coming out.
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 14 15:04:12 EST 2006 | billyd
Dude: First, go to the input/output screen and make sure they fire manually, just to be sure they're functional. One other thing to look for is, make sure those magnetic sensors on the doors are perfectly lined up with the ones on the mach
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 14 14:25:15 EST 2006 | geb
Hi, I have a 1995 Universal GSM which won't zero its axis, so can't run. It crashed last night after displaying a "swapper.dat" file being full. I have restarted and checked the available space on the hard-drive - it has over 50% freespace. After st
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 14 15:02:58 EST 2006 | bigdaddysoy9
You can try swapping cards 10 and 11 in your "General Purpose I/O Chassis", which is the front center panel of the machine. Make sure you change the jumper configurations before you swap them. If the interlocks start working, but your beacon lights q
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 15 10:07:17 EST 2006 | geb
*** New related Question*** Thank you for your suggestions. Unfortunately it is still not working though. I have noticed at the top of the "General Purpose I/O Chassis" that a red LED next to PCB location 0 is permanently on. But this is not on on o
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 15 10:55:43 EST 2006 | PWH
I'm very far from an OS2 master but sounds like you need more RAM? Might help to get rid of files you don't need like segment repairs. They are in C:/USOS/PRODUCT/SEGREP. Also, it's possible that "MinFree" is set so that you have filled up your sp