Electronics Forum: hal sn100c (Page 1 of 1)

Lead-free solder alloy: SN100C from AIM solder

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 08 09:14:49 EDT 2005 | Jason Fullerton

I've tested boards with SN100C HAL finish, and wetting to the PCB finish was poor at best, using a no clean SAC305 paste.

HAL PCB finish by SN100C (lead free)

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 23 11:41:53 EST 2005 | GS

Hello, a - does any one of you have experience with PCB finished by SN100C (SnCuNi)? SMT single side? SMT double side? SS/DS plus PTH? b - if yes, what about compatibility with different alloys (ie. SAC)used for SMT or Wave (different me

Lead Free Alloy

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 08 09:46:05 EST 2007 | pjc

SN100C is popular for wave soldering: http://www.nihonsuperior.co.jp/english/products/leadfree/ Its good for Pb Fee solder finish for HAL on PCBs too. Wave solders better than gold finishes.


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