Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 25 14:32:37 EST 2002 | Kelvin
We always talk about the halide free fluxes and solder pastes. Is there anyone tell me what is the industrial acceptable level of halide content or contamination in flux residue? All comment are welcome !!! Kelvin
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 25 21:13:12 EST 2002 | davef
No, none of us can tell you what is the acceptable level of halide content or contamination in flux residue. The level of harmful residues on your product helps determine the reliability of your product. We know nothing of your product, its custome
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 25 21:14:25 EST 2002 | davef
This sounds like information bantied-about by the fine folk at CSL [Contamination Studies Laboratories in Kokomo, IN]. If so, this includes the sum of the halides from the following sources: * Fabricated board * Components * Processing of the assemb
Electronics Forum | Mon May 15 13:05:31 EDT 2017 | edhare
Pin holes in the gold can allow for corrosion of the underlying nickel and copper to form copper and nickel oxides on the gold surface (example - http://www.semlab.com/blog/?p=564. The corrosion can work itself all the way through the EN layer (exam
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 28 10:03:22 EDT 2004 | davef
First, welcome to your new job. Second, IPC-TM-650 2.6.14 is only loosely an �Ionic Contamination (Electromigration) Test�. * Electromigration Test, IPC TM 650 2.6.14, * Ion Chromatography for Ionic Cleanliness, IPC TM 650 2.3.28 Third, I
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 14 18:03:22 EST 2004 | Dreamsniper
Hi, Can you guide with the above? I read ROSE Test is a process control tool. What about Ion Chromatography, SIR and FT-IR. What Accpetance Criteria will I use for our assembly when using WS Flux? My WS Flus says it has 0% Halide so What can Ion Chr
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 17 11:09:32 EDT 1998 | Dave F
| I need an evaluation process to prove to a customer that our no-clean process does not leave excessive residue? Any ideas? Wayne: More of the same as Chry and Justin. KEY ISSUE The first thing that you need to know is: What does your customer me
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 17 12:00:19 EDT 1998 | Mike C
| | I need an evaluation process to prove to a customer that our no-clean process does not leave excessive residue? Any ideas? | Wayne: More of the same as Chry and Justin. | KEY ISSUE | The first thing that you need to know is: What does your cus
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 13 17:18:11 EST 2003 | davef
First, don�t get distracted by �OA� and �NC� formulations. This is nomenclature. We want to discuss the issue of �activity�. J-STD-004 "Requirements for Soldering Fluxes" classifies fluxes by their chemical composition, activity level and halide c
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 27 19:52:28 EDT 2001 | davef
All of the discussion of "environmental controls" are a matter of degree, dependent on the requirements of the product that you manufacture. For example: shops assembling under-the-hood products have different requirements than shops making garage d