Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 01 11:51:48 EDT 1999 | Dave F
| We have experienced problems with chlorine damaging certain components, is there anyone with similar problems and possible solutions ? preferably info about a source for chlorine free solder paste | | Thanks | | James | James: There is no chlor
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 25 14:32:37 EST 2002 | Kelvin
We always talk about the halide free fluxes and solder pastes. Is there anyone tell me what is the industrial acceptable level of halide content or contamination in flux residue? All comment are welcome !!! Kelvin
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 25 21:13:12 EST 2002 | davef
No, none of us can tell you what is the acceptable level of halide content or contamination in flux residue. The level of harmful residues on your product helps determine the reliability of your product. We know nothing of your product, its custome
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 19 20:30:38 EDT 2000 | Dave F
Lennart: I think most laminators offer a halide free laminate. Two are Isola and Mica-Micanite. Contact the IPC Halogen-Free Materials Task Group
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 22 16:51:04 EDT 2000 | Dr. Ning-Cheng Lee
Yes, no-clean is more of a challenge, particularly for halide-free no-clean. Requirement on probe testability will make it more difficult.
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 10 13:05:41 EST 2005 | patrickbruneel
This phenomenon is caused by a high amount of halogens (Cl, Br etc.) used in the flux activators or in the flux surfactants. We've seen effects creating all colors of the rainbow. Changing to No-Clean (halide-free) will eliminate this color effect.
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 06 12:15:19 EST 2015 | derrikf
Also, for anyone who's taken an interest in this thread: We just received samples of Henkel/Loctite's room temperature stable(yes, you read that right), halide-free, lead-free pastes, both the GC 10 and the GC 3W (which is a water soluble/wash paste
Electronics Forum | Tue May 23 22:23:20 EDT 2000 | JAK
Hi all, I'm would like to try intrusive reflow (pin in paste, paste in hole, etc.) on a connector using WS-609 solder paste (halide free, water-washable). I'm concerned about entrapped flux in the barrel of the solder joints. If there were to be e
Electronics Forum | Tue May 23 22:21:13 EDT 2000 | JAK
Hi all, I'm would like to try intrusive reflow (pin in paste, paste in hole, etc.) on a connector using WS-609 solder paste (halide free, water-washable). I'm concerned about entrapped flux in the barrel of the solder joints. If there were to be e
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 20 10:57:28 EDT 2008 | patrickbruneel
In addition to Dave�s comments RE: Stands for RESIN (purified or modified rosin) No resin can be cleaned with pure DI water (requires saponification). L0: Stand for halide free activation which can safely be left on the boards. To my knowledge all