Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 10 13:05:41 EST 2005 | patrickbruneel
This phenomenon is caused by a high amount of halogens (Cl, Br etc.) used in the flux activators or in the flux surfactants. We've seen effects creating all colors of the rainbow. Changing to No-Clean (halide-free) will eliminate this color effect.
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 25 14:32:37 EST 2002 | Kelvin
We always talk about the halide free fluxes and solder pastes. Is there anyone tell me what is the industrial acceptable level of halide content or contamination in flux residue? All comment are welcome !!! Kelvin
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 09 13:48:03 EDT 2003 | russ
Sam, You may want to be careful with your analisys, reducing paste volume also reduces flux volume. Flux is there to promote and aid in wetting. by reducing flux you may have initiated the poor wetting yourself with the experiment. Just anothe
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 07 12:55:19 EST 2010 | scottp
Did someone repair that solder joint to the left of the vias with plumber's flux and leave the residue?
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 18 01:07:25 EDT 2001 | MW
I some something like this. My package was not flat the belly of the body rested on the PCB. We found that every 4-5 part would wander to the side. What was puzzling is that the blowers would have blown it the opposite side. ultumately we proved
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 13 15:19:32 EST 2023 | hhudson
It has been happening in the mornings, and we do have a weak middle element, but our temp is always above 60C. we have it set at 65C. the service manager for the machine assured us that temperature wasn't the issue. Also, our flux application for ERS
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 12 22:03:21 EDT 2007 | davef
The presence of agitation at an air / solution interface and a foaming agent causes foaming. Most water soluable fluxes contain surficants. Surficants are foaming agents. First, it's likely this foaming is caused by poor control of the temperature o
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 14 16:52:08 EDT 2007 | joeherz
Brian, We've see foaming issues with our wave flux occasionally when running large slugs of product through the wash. We love the wave flux and changing it was not an option. Our process parameters for the wash machine we're derived via a validati
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 13 15:51:43 EDT 2000 | Charlie
I'm looking for practical proceedures to do the following: How to qualify epoxy in our process. One supplier vs. another. How to qualify wave solder and flux in our process. One supplier vs. another. Any and all advice is welcome.
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 28 19:44:50 EST 2001 | pzohbon
I am having problems with voids in our soldering process. I believe it to be the fact that we use a no clean flux without control on how the boards are handled (gloves, procedures, etc.) Does anyone have suggestions on the appropriate place to start?