Electronics Forum: hammer head (Page 1 of 1)

Component usage/Reel sizes

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 16 16:57:44 EST 2021 | spoiltforchoice

But that only applies fully if you have the nozzles inline head to match, fast turret heads prefer to hammer a single lane, at least that would be my understanding given I don't have one :(. More active reels = more to track, that may matter to some.

Spray fluxing, How much air pressure?

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 17 16:07:36 EDT 2006 | tds

Hi Tim (Nopper?), You should not have a cloud of flux comming out of your machine. Is your fluxer a resiprocating fluxer? Is it an ultrasonic spray head? I don't have your contact info any longer due to my laptop meeting my hammer. Send me a p


Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 22 20:29:23 EDT 2000 | Earl Moon

No advertising! Yes sirs! I have placed my hat, head, body, and soul into what Dave and Jax have finally said, plus the fact this forum is totally turned commercial and we pundants have to obey the no advertising rule while the forum management seek

Re: BS

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 25 09:18:40 EDT 2000 | Peter

Welcome back Moon Man. Your title is an apt description of the occurrence of your return. I always enjoy your bombastic baccalaureate, and welcome your feedback and observations. It is very helpful to hear from someone who has reached the point of fr


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