Electronics Forum: hand 2.manual screen printer (Page 1 of 8)

Smallest screen printer semi/auto

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 05 07:14:04 EDT 2021 | oxygensmd

The question is that what do you want? An automatic/semi-automatic machine or a hand-prototyping printer? Using metal-sheet or complete (framed) stencil? Manual printing: For example, Eurocircuit's eC-stencil is pretty nice or there are cheap hand-s

screen printer comparision

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 20 10:37:27 EDT 2004 | rob_thomas

Debi, Both machines are good and will do a great job for you on Rigid as well flex circuits.Every Mfr.will come to your site and give you a piece of equipment on loan to try for a month hoping you'll buy from them.Why don't you arrange that little ex

Loading leadless parts(passives)by hand

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 03 00:20:08 EST 1999 | Clarissa Ortner

We are a small division. We are starting up a leadless line with an old screen printer and a convection oven. At this time we don't intend to get any sort of pick and place assistance and wil be loading by hand. We find the biggest problem with th

PB and PB Free on same screen printer

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 04 16:07:03 EDT 2007 | jdengler

Everything for a lead free job is labeled with green lead free labels. This includes all processing documentation. When the kit is issued to production the production supervisor and SMT lead operator are reminded that the job is lead free. When th

PB and PB Free on same screen printer

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 12 14:46:56 EDT 2007 | chef

All- good points and to be clear not all is in fun and jest. I support ROHS for the environmental issues. Get the lead out is my mantra, there's alot to consider for sure. I prefer to migrate that way, in time. Most my jobs are ROHS already, just a f

Re: Loading leadless parts(passives)by hand

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 03 13:51:54 EST 1999 | Dave F

| We are a small division. We are starting up a leadless line with an old screen printer and a convection oven. At this time we don't intend to get any sort of pick and place assistance and wil be loading by hand. We find the biggest problem with

Re: Loading leadless parts(passives)by hand

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 05 09:44:49 EST 1999 | Nancy Vandemark

Clarissa, Dave had good suggestions. We load several boards manual at this time. We set our components up in clearly marked bins. The documentation includes a chart with the part number, bin number, reference designator and color code for the par

After a bit of printer pneumatics chat

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 23 11:34:03 EDT 2012 | ericrr

With the help of the photo what would the little 90°coupler that joins the little (in diameter) hose to the solenoid that makes the squeegee go forwards and backwards. This is ex-second hand screen printer (SD-04-00) from Kontakt-Systems Ltd

Screen Printers

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 29 15:29:56 EDT 2004 | jasont

Hi Ran, Have you considered 2nd hand screen printers? We are an SMT equipment re-seller but also operate a subsidary CM factory in SuZhou, China . We use Dek 265 LT and MPM AP screen printers in our SuZhou factory and have the following in stock f

Screen Printing

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 20 16:10:32 EST 2003 | gfoot

Does anyone have any experience using Minami MK210 screen printers? I am looking at buying a second hand machine and I am not familiar with this type.

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