Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 11 08:47:00 EST 2013 | mleber
Thanks guys. Here are more details. The cards are essentially the same. They use the same connectors, same footprint, the traces / layers would be comparable etc. The difference between the 2 we see is that one is laminate - Rigid Metal Clad Base, Ty
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 16 11:03:35 EDT 2004 | davef
Your copper corrosion is not good. It indicates that you have not done a good job in cleaning. [We assume this is a medium green color, not unlike the color of the solder mask on your board, that is almost like a translucent lacquer; rather than th
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 16 14:11:37 EDT 2007 | russ
Check all your conveyor belts and clamping in your machines. You have to follow these boards through entire process to see where it is coming from, it could be happening at a hand soldering operation as well. Russ
Electronics Forum | Tue May 27 12:40:50 EDT 2003 | davef
Hi Bill You said, "silicon". We assume by your discussion that you ment to say, "silicone". For background on silicone and soldering, check with Dow Corning [517-496-6000]. They make a OS2 [VOC-free] silicone stripper and should be able to give y
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 06 11:39:17 EST 2009 | 14367
As you know, the H1N1 virus is on the move, and we are trying to take precautions. We wish to use a 60% alcohol based lotion for disinfecting our hands. It has been questioned if the added substances could be detrimental to electronic assembly board
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 06 18:40:25 EST 2009 | davef
While you're waiting for others to reply, look here: http://www.smtnet.com/Forums/index.cfm?fuseaction=view_thread&CFApp=1&Thread_ID=13874&mc=19
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 09 10:20:56 EST 2009 | davef
Carol: The thread that I posted above is not directed at your question. I'm sorry that I rushed in responding to you. There was two threads posted recently on the topic and I grabbed the wrong one. Here, try this link for a better response: http://
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 03 22:03:18 EDT 2001 | davef
With friends like you, who needs enemies? I�d guess that the perceived benefits of flat pads for your 20 mil pitch and below components counter-balance the higher cost, gold being a solder pot contaminant, limited solder mask compatibility, potentia
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 30 23:14:41 EST 2002 | caldon
Doug is right contaminates can be transfered from hands to boards easily. I also know gloves are a good practice as some times people wear moisturizers and hand creams that can also cause issues. Another thought is that you do not want people handl
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 22 16:52:32 EST 2005 | caldon
Latex sensitivity is HUge. Try changing to vynal gloves. Also keeping the hands moist is a good idea. ESD Hand cream is an option. Just becareful when using the hand cream as it may transfer to boards, stencils, components......