Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 05 14:53:45 EDT 2001 | Jeff Meier
We have customers that are requiring no flux residue left on boards after soldering of non-water washable parts. We currently use Multicore Crystal 502 No-Clean to solder parts that are not washable. Has anyone come up with a good way to remove this
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 06 10:55:37 EDT 2001 | davef
saturation occurs at ppm levels. Remember, IPA is extremely flammable and its bulk use makes the plant liable to all sorts of quite repressive safety rules/regulations and so on. Ignoring these rules exposes the owner to fines and possible plant cl
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 31 04:04:32 EDT 2005 | Slaine
im running some tests at the moment for hand soldering using a no residue water based flux from MBO, called WBF-01. leaves a good clean finish.
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 23 12:59:12 EDT 2013 | pauldavis4
New pcba supplier sent us first article pcbas (SMT, Wave & hand solder operations) that failed our testing due to no-clean flux residues found under ICs and around passive capacitors. Second lot came in and had 100% pass yield, but we still see a cl
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 03 11:20:41 EDT 2009 | thunderdog5000
I have a customer that is having a flux residue problem after wave soldering. Flux is roaring through the board to the top side and leaving a residue. This is only happening on the flat stamped leads. The round leads are fine. They are using Supe
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 15 11:43:13 EST 2007 | fredericksr
celsius or fahrenheit? I am not entirely familiar with the deeper details of HASL, but 130F-140F is adequate to clean many of the water-soluble fluxes used for component soldering.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 01 16:22:35 EDT 2001 | davef
Your supplier�s approach to managing process change is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE!!!! Now, let me get the froth back in my mouth. How in the world do we know if the residues on these "no-clean" boards are compatible with your product? J-STD-001C, para 4
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 01 12:07:53 EDT 2001 | medernach
No clean residues can range in appearance from brownish gunk that looks like tree sap (because it is in some instances) to almost no residue at all. Is this product exposed to a wave soldering process or SMT? I would guess it's a wave process if th
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 26 10:54:37 EST 2006 | yusufgomec
We use hot air leveling (HAL) process in pcb production. HAL process is 3 steps. �n 1. step flux. 2. step is HAL. And 3. step is rinsing. As you know there is mustn't any flux after rinsing operation. Our flux chemical is water soluable. But there ar
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 04 02:09:03 EDT 2009 | sachu_70
Hi Walter, Do you refer to a sprayfluxer operation? The problem seems to be a parameter setting issue. 1. Ensure the wide angle spray reaches PCB with optimum jet pressure. You could pass a glass plate to understand flux coverage and view Jet pressur