Electronics Forum: handheld xrf (Page 1 of 1)

Presence of Copper

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 09 21:45:21 EDT 2012 | davef

Hi Bob Ideas to consider are: * Use your handheld XRF * Swab vinegar on the copper and watch it brighten * Use the following procedure Nearly all copper minerals can be dissolved by melting with a mixture 1:2.5 of ammonium chloride and ammonium nit

Component Testing for RoHS

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 24 15:44:48 EDT 2006 | andersg1

Slaine, We are looking at XRF for RoHS due diligence. . . We have looked at a couple of hand-held, but wonder if they will get us where we need to be. . . are looking at benchtops. Would you be willing to contact me off-line regarding what you ha


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