Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 02 06:04:50 EST 1999 | hany a. salam
Hi there IN our facility we made a prototype for a handling basket utilizing the empty trays of the our used chips like TSOP's. We have embeded them into a metal frame. Now I ask if this can work as an ESD safe handling baskets. thankyou Hany
Electronics Forum | Thu May 10 10:17:15 EDT 2007 | pima
Hello I am looking for any standard or specification or any practise document which is talking about proper handling or how should handling look like of IC component at the section between getting component from supplier and putting it into machine.
Electronics Forum | Tue May 03 14:49:27 EDT 2005 | jsloot
Can someone provide me with articles dealing with proper physical handling of PCB's? I am looking for something that can be used as a formal document to be used in training and/or used on the production floor. Thanks
Electronics Forum | Fri May 11 04:09:43 EDT 2007 | pima
Larry I checked archive but I didnt find any satisfaction answer. Maybe u can help me? Something telling what should operator do to avoid bend leads in IC components - I m talking about handling dangerous. regards peter
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 26 17:34:23 EDT 1999 | LK Brown
We only do rework with SMT components or a small amount of SMT work. We are having a hard time keeping the components safe throughout the handling process of removing one or two components, and issuing them to an operator for processing or inspectio
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 02 14:25:14 EDT 2003 | Earl Wildes
Greetings. Does anyone know of a good reference on the proper physical handling of surface mount devices? We have a number of very small builds, so our stockroom is very often issuing single piece quantities. The parts are protected from ESD, but
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 18 19:52:25 EST 2002 | kennyg
Problem: A SMT fine pitch or BGA component needs to be baked due to MS concerns and is needed in a hurry. In some cases the packaging will not allow a high temp/short duration bake. Production will not allow a low temp/long duration bake. If the part
Electronics Forum | Fri May 11 07:37:22 EDT 2007 | davef
IPC-A-610D 3 Handling Electronic Assemblies 3-1 3.1 EOS/ESD Prevention 3-2 3.1.1 Electrical Overstress (EOS) 3-3 3.1.2 Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) 3-4 3.1.3 Warning Labels 3-5 3.1.4 Protective Materials 3-6 3.2 EOS/ESD Safe Workstation/EPA 3-7 3.3