Electronics Forum: has eng (Page 1 of 8)

has anybody heard of Screen Printer of DAESHUNG?

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 28 08:48:34 EDT 2004 | davef

Daeshung!!! Gazoontite!!! We think someone tried to trick you. Look here: http://www.daesungmicron.com/product_eng.htm

Third Party Pick and Place Repair in the Florida Area

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 02 13:10:26 EDT 2004 | jbabson1

Fuji has a local rep in Florida and a field eng. in Tampa.

Non-wetting: PTH on double-side reflow

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 25 05:37:35 EDT 2005 | Bryan

Some weeks has passed,Can SMT eng. show us your results of this issue?so that we can learn something from it

Re: career change

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 12 15:22:50 EST 2000 | Michael Parker

Dave - the most significant difference between the two titles (that I have experienced) is the location of assignment. Usually MFG. Eng.'s are responsible to a fixed set of equipment and are more concerned with how the product acts within the machine


Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 24 08:03:17 EDT 2005 | james

I need some help here. I just to see what suggestions anyone else has. Our Man. Eng. has 3 profiles on our 9 zone Heller Reflow oven. These are the profiles: 1. 120 140 150 150 180 200 215 250 220 29in per minute 2. 120 130 145 150 150 185 20

Bad Buisness

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 18 16:43:41 EDT 2002 | Sam

Tech: "good afternoon ABC co. how can I help you?" Eng: your machine broken. Tech: okay, what is the problem you are having ? Eng: it no work, my boss is mad at me, no production. Tech: yes, uh, what exactly is the problem ? Eng: I don't know, night

Who designs work cells? Mfg. Eng. or assembly workers?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 26 11:36:26 EDT 2010 | rgduval

Dean, My first thought relates to your statement: "I was under the impression that manufacturing engineering was responsible..." We find any statement that begins similar to this to be indicative of other issues within an organization. Unless it'

Epoxied Parts Falling Off

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 21 00:44:56 EST 2003 | MA/NY DDave

Hi I guess I would call Locktite. I see David F expects that something isn't giving you a good bond strength and wants you to test it after initial application for good adherence. Check this out since his ideas are the most natural. In addition,

Pasteprinter | unffilled Pads

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 16 16:30:27 EDT 2023 | yannick_herzog

@MagyarT the error occurred across multiple PCBs throughout the entire job. So, for example, the issue isn't limited to just the first printed one but spans the entire duration. At what dimensions would you recommend a division? The apertures on the

Used Contact 3S

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 06 19:05:42 EST 2005 | JB

I believe all Contact machines are JUNK. I have seen all there models. They are all under developed and do not even come close to what the company claims they can do. They keep advertising these new machines and I have heard nothing but night mares w

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