Electronics Forum: hasl intermetallic layer (Page 1 of 20)

solderability and hasl thickness

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 10 12:56:09 EDT 2003 | davef

Intermetallic compounds [IMC]: * Form during the alloying process of some metals. In soldering these are Sn, Ni, Ag, Cu, Au. * Do not accept solder. * Increase in depth in logarithmic proportion to both time and temperature. [So during the solder

intermetallic question

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 09 00:35:06 EDT 2009 | padawanlinuxero

Hello! I am in a little problem, theres a problem in one of the components, is a new component that we are working with the leads are tin coated, and after we solder in the reflow oven, with lead solder, we took them to do a some test and on a cros

intermetallic question

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 11 09:56:31 EDT 2009 | davef

You're correct. You should expect to see an intermetallic layer in a proper solder connection. Try leaving the component at temperature for a longer period. Growth of intermetallic compounds on Cu surfaces [Klein Wassink]: d = 10^3(exp(-5*10^3/T)t^1

solderability and hasl thickness

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 09 18:07:18 EDT 2003 | davef

We would be very wary of allowing 50 uinches, because this will likely result in reduced shelf life due to intermetallic growth. As a guesstimate, at least 10 uinches of that 50 uinches, and maybe more, is already intermetallic when you receive the b

solderability and hasl thickness

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 12 09:10:23 EDT 2003 | Norm Morikawa

Around 1989 I had this probelmm with a SMT CCA that would not solder in one area consistently. I had it cross sectioned by the bare board supplier and found that under their metallurgical microscope the thickness of this HASL bare board could not be

Intermettalic layer analyssis

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 28 16:49:48 EDT 2007 | davef

good * No IMC => bad Intermetallic growths are diffusion limited, and therefore the thickness of the intermetallic is given by: z^2 = (Do)(t)exp[-Q/RT] Where Do (m^2 s-1) is the diffusion coefficient, T(�K) is the temperature, Q (J mol-1) is the act

Intermettalic layer analyssis

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 28 07:42:07 EDT 2007 | zanolli

We have the need to verify that proper intermetallic layer between a 100% Sn plated contact and the solder joint is being formed. Never having done this before: Is there any specifications, etc. that we can use as acceptability criteria?

Shear strength and Copper/Tin Intermetalic layer

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 06 20:32:34 EDT 1998 | Chiakl

Hi there, I am looking for some informations concerning the shear or pull strength of a typical TQFP 20 mils leads in relationship with the Copper/Tin intermetalic layer thickness. Could anyone help? Thank in advandce. rgs, chiakl

Re: Shear strength and Copper/Tin Intermetalic layer

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 09 21:04:50 EDT 1998 | Dave F

| Hi there, | I am looking for some informations concerning the shear or pull strength of a typical TQFP 20 mils leads in relationship with the Copper/Tin intermetalic layer thickness. Could anyone help? | | Thank in advandce. | rgs, | chiakl Chiakl

Solderability Issues

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 03 17:13:41 EDT 2010 | bradlanger

Craig, If it is LF Hasl it sounds like it applied too thin exposing the intermetallic layer wich is not solderable. We call out a minimum thickness of 80 microinches and have good results. We have had shops in the past that did not control the Hasl

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