Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 05 02:15:12 EST 2017 | bukas
is that the only motor with that function or there are others? if you have more than one motor try switching cables and/or drivers and see what happens. this kind of behavior can also be caused by stepper driver.
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 01 18:44:24 EDT 2013 | richardconnell
Hi, I have limited capability on the Z axis. The axis will home to the mechanical switch limit and then drop to a point which I asssume to be the fiorst zero point below the mechanical switch limit. Then it gives the error. There is power to the mo
Electronics Forum | Sat May 24 21:49:24 EDT 2003 | ramanandkini
We have an electronic circuit with a miniature stepper motor, quartz crystal, Electrolytic capacitor,chip resistors and few smt LEDs. The PCB material is CEM1 with SMOBC and HALS finish. This circuit is assembled in a plastic casing and goes in to a
Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 12 19:48:47 EDT 2010 | bootstrap
I like what you're doing. 20 years ago anyone, hobbyists and tiny garage-shop companies could create electronics devices just as sophisticated and cool as big corporations. Today, SMT has largely trashed the creativity (and competition) that existe
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 10 21:56:40 EST 1999 | Dean
| For Dean and the rest of you interested, | | I have reconciled many of my thermal issues with this machine and its peculiarities. The bottom side heater seems adequate, at 750 watts (not going to spend 10 grand extra for 500 more watts no matter w
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 11 16:44:34 EST 1999 | Earl Moon
| | For Dean and the rest of you interested, | | | | I have reconciled many of my thermal issues with this machine and its peculiarities. The bottom side heater seems adequate, at 750 watts (not going to spend 10 grand extra for 500 more watts no ma
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