Electronics Forum: hdp v nm-da00a (Page 1 of 1)

Camelot X HDP-V

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 22 11:33:54 EDT 1999 | Sergio Luiz Vito

Someone have aditional information (operation - maintenance - cost ) for this machines. Best Regards Eng. Sergio Luiz Vito Intelbras

Automation Engineer

Electronics Forum | Mon May 16 11:10:26 EDT 2005 | wizy

I look also for new job in SMT area. Machines what i know: MPM APHie paste printer Simens lines (S23, F5, HS60 etc.) Panasert lines (MV II F, MPA-V, MPA G1, HDP) Omniflow reflow soldering Macrotron and Baasel laser engraver PDT3000 PROM programer

MPAV Y-Axis deviation overflow

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 15 17:12:15 EST 2004 | brian bennett

as george says move beam back towards the centre of the machine make sure it is square although not neccesarily on the alignment arrows. make sure alignment laser is clean along with the recieving mirror on the head.also make sure the driver filters


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