Electronics Forum: head error (Page 1 of 39)

Axis head error

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 18 08:57:31 EDT 2005 | tommyttr

It is either the axis card, or the head bd. reporting corrupted data

Axis head error

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 18 07:11:37 EDT 2005 | geb

Does anyone know what an "Axis Head 1 Theta DAC limit error during Move Absolute Command" may mean? It occurred during production. I have checked through the board's program for errors but cannot see any.

ip3 placing head error

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 18 05:07:53 EDT 2011 | johndoe0222

I received an error on my fuji ip3 which is: "Placing head 1 nozzle has become detached." Does anyone have any idea what is going on and how to fix this. Thanks

Axis head error

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 18 10:40:09 EDT 2005 | geb

Thanks for your help. Solved it - The spindles on the head were stiffer than the other heads, so greasing it fixed it.

ip3 placing head error

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 18 12:46:43 EDT 2011 | jdengler

In the center of the head shaft there is a rod that is used to flag 2 sensors at the top of the shaft. This lets the machine know when a nozzle is attached. Check that the sensors are working correctly and the rod moves freely. The sensors are fib

Axis head 2 z velocity error

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 12 08:41:12 EST 2007 | geb

Hi, Our GSM1 pick and place machine has an Axis head 2 Z velocity error. None of the spindles of Head 2 work during placement and it brings up the error message. It will not proceed after that. I have tried lowering and raising the spindles in the

Axis head 2 z velocity error

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 15 11:12:08 EST 2007 | jaimebc

I've had experienced this issues here with our GSM's Flex heads. Try this: 1.- Clean your linear scales with alcohol and a lint free cloth. Both the X and Y. This one has fixed the majority of our errors when one of the heads just stops for no apare

Axis head 2 z velocity error

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 18 10:05:44 EST 2007 | SWAG

Make sure the program has been optimized to the current nozzle configuration.

Axis head 2 z velocity error

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 13 19:34:16 EST 2007 | geb

(Its a flex head) I have made a trial program to determine at what point it stops. This is how it goes: I load the program, push the start button it will zero and pick components with head 1. As soon as it finishes placing head 1 parts it halts wher

Axis head 2 z velocity error

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 18 14:02:51 EST 2007 | geb

Thanks for your help everyone. For some reason it has started working again, without altering the program or settings!!?? So I don't actually know why it has done this. Thanks again, Grant

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