Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 28 03:00:24 EST 2019 | nikevoo1
The problem was in mechanical valve O-rings. I replaced the valves and the problem disappeared.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 22 20:39:04 EST 2019 | nikevoo1
Hello, The problem is with NXT head H04. So there are 4 nozzles that take elements and place them on the PCB.The problem is that it does not randomly place the already taken element on the PCB.The nozzle take element and going to place it, but does't
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 23 18:57:09 EST 2019 | nikevoo1
Is it possible to have too much grease on mechanical valves and because of that something has been clogged? Or mechanical valve O-rings to be a problem? https://imgur.com/a/ZHShMAH https://imgur.com/a/SzAWIL0
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 23 11:14:11 EST 2019 | assuredtech
Do you have a spare head? or have you tried swapping the head to a different module? Is it always the same component (element)? Inspect the component under a scope / perhaps a packaging / adhesive issue. If the component is staying on the nozzle what
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 23 12:49:44 EST 2019 | nikevoo1
next step, if the nozzle have to take the same component, the nozzle is going to take it and the both components stick together(one over the other) and the nozzle places them like this stick together. So there is nothing in one place, and on another
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 23 20:01:20 EST 2019 | padawanlinuxero
Hello Sounds to me that the problem might be with vaccum and lot of it, after the component is place theres a small amount of air that pushes the component away from the nozzle in MYDATA we call it a kiss in my facility, have you check that the air
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 30 00:56:00 EST 2019 | kiransahu
Sounds to me that the issue may be with vacuum and part of it, after the segment is put there's a little measure of air that pushes the segment far from the spout in MYDATA we consider it a kiss in my office, have you watch that the air that "puffs"
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 18 05:07:53 EDT 2011 | johndoe0222
I received an error on my fuji ip3 which is: "Placing head 1 nozzle has become detached." Does anyone have any idea what is going on and how to fix this. Thanks
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 18 12:46:43 EDT 2011 | jdengler
In the center of the head shaft there is a rod that is used to flag 2 sensors at the top of the shaft. This lets the machine know when a nozzle is attached. Check that the sensors are working correctly and the rod moves freely. The sensors are fib
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 21 04:45:13 EDT 2008 | stanyserrao
Head 1 is not placing the parts in production. Same component is placed by head 2. Head 1 camera is camera 12 type and head 2 camera is type 8. Machine re-set done resent proper data and interchanged cameara still same problem was foundd in head 1.