Electronics Forum: head has been removed (Page 1 of 59)

Siemens SIPLACE CF - Low vacuum on head

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 31 04:19:54 EST 2019 | mst3000

Thanks. Full maintenance has been carried out and the head was removed. No traces of solder paste was noted.

NXT head H04 placing problem

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 23 18:57:09 EST 2019 | nikevoo1

Is it possible to have too much grease on mechanical valves and because of that something has been clogged? Or mechanical valve O-rings to be a problem? https://imgur.com/a/ZHShMAH https://imgur.com/a/SzAWIL0

Axis head 2 z velocity error

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 18 10:05:44 EST 2007 | SWAG

Make sure the program has been optimized to the current nozzle configuration.

Rheometric pump head on MPM HiE

Electronics Forum | Wed May 21 09:03:52 EDT 2008 | bing007

I have been confronted with a MPM with a rheometric pump head on and have not had much to do with these. It is giving varying results on the down line paste AOI and is not responding very much to changes in pressure, speed etc. It is a 16inch pump, w

Rheometric pump head on MPM HiE

Electronics Forum | Wed May 21 13:38:22 EDT 2008 | pjc

Solderpaste types have a big effect on print performance. Go to this link to see if the solderpaste you are using has been tested, see "Rheometric Pump Paste Tests" under MPM: http://www.speedlinetech.com/news_publications/application-notes.aspx?OnI

GSM2 spindles Not seen for head

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 25 20:11:58 EDT 2015 | ercdave1

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I hope I can get some help since I am at the point where I don't know what to do. I have a Q block Universal GSM2 having some issues. I am getting an error message that reads. "spindles Not seen for

Samsung SM320 VS Assembleon 8 head Opal XII

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 22 13:16:07 EST 2005 | Cmiller

You may want to take a quick look at the tier one equipment suppliers. Universal and Fuji have some very competitive equipment, not sure about Panasonic and Siemens but they have to be trying to compete as well. We are low volume and never thought we

Samsung SM320 VS Assembleon 8 head Opal XII

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 16 06:39:15 EST 2005 | rlackey

I know that you were very specific in your email about your choices, but have you not thought of adding a faster Mydata? You would negate the learning curve on operations & maintenance, have spare feeders, & be able to transfer programs over. Regard

Looking for SPM Calibration Procedure for setting the Z-Axis ?

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 18 15:02:07 EST 2005 | pmd

Please clarify, Z axis gears (Blades)? The MPM head I believe is what your are asking is driven up and down via a lead screw. The machine gets the zero point from the "HAT" tactile sensor in the table nest. When squegees are installed the blades are

Re: Proflow of DEK screen printer

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 08 08:25:26 EDT 1999 | Brad Kendall

Listed below are the issues Viking has been experiencing since the | installation of the Proflow Head: | 1. After installing new 350mm Wiper foil with metal | strip glued on it, It worked for about a week and suddenly meta

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