Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 15 11:12:08 EST 2007 | jaimebc
I've had experienced this issues here with our GSM's Flex heads. Try this: 1.- Clean your linear scales with alcohol and a lint free cloth. Both the X and Y. This one has fixed the majority of our errors when one of the heads just stops for no apare
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 13 06:48:51 EDT 2013 | JB
Hello, anyone know whats wrong with our Pick & Place machine? we have a Samsung CP40CV and on head 3 its is getting a lot of vibrations and makes the full head vibrate, sometimes it make a noise from the vibrations.
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 19 20:20:16 EDT 2021 | astarotf
Does anyone know why the heads of the GSM2 dual beam 4688 sound like this? When it is in x position the motor begins to vibrate
Electronics Forum | Fri May 21 12:25:14 EDT 1999 | Dave F
| Has anyone had any experience or data using vibration during the reflow process. | We introduced a vibration device attached to the fixed rail on a Vitronics reflow oven. The reason was to prevent skewing on large PLCC devices. The process worked v
Electronics Forum | Mon May 24 09:52:06 EDT 1999 | john thorup
| | | Has anyone had any experience or data using vibration during the reflow process. | | | We introduced a vibration device attached to the fixed rail on a Vitronics reflow oven. The reason was to prevent skewing on large PLCC devices. The process
Electronics Forum | Fri May 21 15:23:24 EDT 1999 | JohnW
| | Has anyone had any experience or data using vibration during the reflow process. | | We introduced a vibration device attached to the fixed rail on a Vitronics reflow oven. The reason was to prevent skewing on large PLCC devices. The process work
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 17 07:39:13 EDT 2003 | davef
As we recall, they attached something like a placement vib head to the rails. The problem, as you stated, was isolating the board from the vibrating rails during cooling of the solder connection.
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 02 05:07:51 EST 2006 | pavel
We have bought an old zevatech 730 in Bosch auction (hello MikeZIG). There seems to be something wrong with the X axis servo, the machine is vibrating when the head is moving fast (in fact the machine is dancing, in the race with washing machine it w
Electronics Forum | Fri May 01 14:39:43 EDT 2009 | jdengler
Swapping a servo amp out does not lead to an alignment issue unless the new amp is way out of adjustment. Did you do a "drift" adjustment after changing the amp? Does the axis vibrate badly while moving? More likely is someone crashed a head which
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 11 19:52:55 EST 2024 | travishemen
Check the top of the placing head. There are 3 screws around a piece that pops up when you push up on the nozzle. I had one once that was vibrating and causing the part to place slightly off angle. It is exposed to the vacuum used to pick the part