Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 04 22:26:33 EST 2000 | Aoki Laboratories Ltd.
Greg, The operating parameters for Wave Soldering are: 1. Preheat Temp. (80-110 c, board surface); 2. 1.5-3 secs dwell time in solder. This, 1.5 second, is the time required for both the lead and solder to gain sufficient heat and as a result "tinn
Electronics Forum | Tue May 10 17:50:08 EDT 2005 | davef
Consider: * Changing your temporary solder resist [TSR] to a light cure. * Contracting with your board fabricator to apply the TSR. * Gaining better thickness control of your application process by silk screening the current TSR. * Forcing more air c
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 23 14:41:41 EDT 2004 | Steve Stach
Dear JSK, It sounds like the root causes of your problem are two fold. First, excessive heat will polymerize the abietic acid found in rosin forming neo-abietic diamers and polymers which are much less soluble than the parent monomer. There are
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 16 10:55:01 EDT 2001 | genny
Happened at my company lots on our older designs. We touched up those pads in house by hand, because the solder joint was very poor. We also did it on SOT 86 pkgs on the gnd pins. When they were touched up, we would get an extra 1/2dB of gain out
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 31 07:02:00 EST 2002 | martino
The whole process counldn't be easier. The sales reps' try to turn the whole thing into some crazy black art-its not. The stencil supplier will have their own standard 'glue dot' configurations, and 9 times out of 10 these are more than adequate. As
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 07 16:53:15 EDT 2005 | GS
Contact Cookson Electronic, they can support you with OSP solutions (ENTEK---) new formulations for Lead Free apllication. Regards GS --------- from a 2003 Cookson presentation: Objective Although Existing ENTEK� PLUS CU106A technology is suc
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 27 02:55:53 EST 2020 | hexton
I want to avoid peoples preferences as they will differ and will not be a deciding factor. A heat gun will introduce risk to surrounding PTH components and having to add protection for those, will limit any gain in productivity. There is no question
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 24 08:44:25 EST 1998 | Earl Moon
| | | | Folk's, | | | | I'm in need of some help / direction. I'm working on my thesis for a masters based on looking at the effect's of the solder resist promoting / reducing the amount of solder ball's during wave. I'm looking at thing's like colou
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 24 03:49:45 EST 1998 | John Watt
| | | Folk's, | | | I'm in need of some help / direction. I'm working on my thesis for a masters based on looking at the effect's of the solder resist promoting / reducing the amount of solder ball's during wave. I'm looking at thing's like colour,
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 09 10:02:10 EST 1998 | Earl Moon
| Does anybody out there have any special insights into utilizing no clean paste in high frequency RF applications? I would imagine there may be some issues with solder balls that would affect functional test (Earl, do you have something for me here?