Electronics Forum: heller 1700 oven specs (Page 1 of 5)

Small scale reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 13 20:23:41 EDT 2019 | kylehunter

The 1500 is rated for up to 300c. So it shouldn't have a problem with lead free right? http://www.petlock.com/data/Heller_1500_specs.htm

5 zone reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 22 17:45:45 EST 2005 | Austinj

Heller 1500 Convection Reflow Ovens are a five zone upper/lower reflow oven. Petlock currently has two listed with specs and pictures. Here's a link for more info. NOTE: I do not work or have any affiliation with PETLOCK http://www.petlock.com/used

5 zone reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 23 17:39:11 EST 2005 | Austinj

I am most familiar with Heller (10 yrs. of 1088 4 zone - 1800 8 zone ovens) and find them to be very reliable. Other Manufacturers may have five zone ovens on the used market. (I used Petlock as an example because you could get data sheets/specs from

new reflow oven - which model/brand/ to choose?

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 24 15:04:29 EDT 2021 | dwl

A few random thoughts: Nitrogen in reflow is mostly cosmetic, to get shiny joints on lead free. If you are getting good results without nitrogen now, there's no need to add it on your new line. Since power consumption is important, I would get spec

Heller 1700SX or Heller 1700EXL for Lead free

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 02 01:56:53 EST 2008 | rfematt

Does anyone have used Heller 1700SX (2001) or Heller 1700EXL (1999) for lead free? I found some references in this forum for Heller 1500 but anything for last ovens, just wondering if they can be used though they may run slow.

Heller 1700D: How to make the zones start in sequence?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 14 13:49:04 EDT 2012 | rodrigo

Hi all, We have two Heller ovens, a 1700SX and a 1700D. The 1700SX has the profiles made so when you load them the zones turn on in sequence. First zone top and bottom are on when the profile is loaded then the next (top and bot) start to turn on as

Heller 1700D heating element replacement?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 19 13:13:07 EDT 2012 | rodrigo

Hi all, Is there a generic heating element I can buy for this oven? The Heller part number is 682991. They want about $300 for the pair which doesn't sound too bad for me but .... I'm not the one writting the check :-). Thanks

Lead Free Reflow

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 12 20:15:20 EST 2007 | kjp

Do I need a 10-12 zone oven for processing Lead free or could I use a oven such as Heller 1700W

Heller 1700D: How to make the zones start in sequence?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 18 12:14:43 EDT 2012 | dyoungquist

We have a Heller 1707EXL oven. I am assuming the software package that came installed on the computer for the oven is very similar to what you have for your oven. One of the programs in that software package is "ovensetupwizard.exe" You need to

Justification on buying machine (Reflow/Wave)

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 16 14:54:21 EDT 2006 | jbrower

Howdy Bolo, I see. I currently run a 5 zone 1500 Heller, It's a very nice reflow oven and one of my favorites. Hopefully in July we will be getting in our 1700 from Heller. These reflow ovens (used) can be had for a pretty decent price at least in

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heller 1700 oven specs searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

Heller Industries Inc.
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Phone: 973-377-6800

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