Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 20 16:03:19 EST 2013 | bocci572
I am wondering if anyone has had issues with their Heller oven rails warping. It appears that our 1800EXL and 1900W oven rails sag after time. They eventually contact the safety mesh and then create hestitation of the chain, thus creating defects.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 16 08:16:27 EDT 2021 | shmevan91
Hi, Could anyone shed some light why a mk5 13 zone heller ovens rail width won't auto adjust? has to be done by hand every time we change product. The board support rail will adjust just not the main rail, have tried swapping the two cards around bu
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 18 16:58:01 EDT 2012 | dontfeedphils
Does anyone know if there is a way to adjust the tolerances in the software to decrease the temperate window that the cells will turn green on Heller's V1.0.xx software (running on a 1800)?
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 16 10:02:58 EDT 2021 | shmevan91
Yes this has been checked, had to change them to manual in order to manually adjust the rail width by hand by turning the chain.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 18 09:53:51 EDT 2021 | shmevan91
Hi, we have checked all of those and beenm in contact with heller but they said they will need to send an engineer out as they are also out of ideas, was hoping someone might've had the same issues as we have two ovens doing the same thing, wont move
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 18 12:23:04 EDT 2005 | DannyJ
To the Heller question... I have had a few minor bad experiences with Heller. On the 1800 series, redid the movable rail section, which required complete disassembly of the offload end of the oven. A little bit of forethought in design may have ha
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 16 10:04:25 EDT 2021 | shmevan91
Rail width won't move at all, tried a motor from another oven to rule that out but still no joy
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 20 12:27:25 EST 2001 | seand
Hello Gentlemen, Dave has a good point. Proposing to move the rails for the sake of thermal integrity doesn't seem logical to address you issue. By adding a rail set you have simply added mass (almost like big heat sinks) throughout the oven vs. w
Electronics Forum | Wed May 30 19:08:58 EDT 2007 | darby
Mark, You should find that the blower motors and heaters will be replaced free of charge by Heller. I have four Heller ovens and have found that to be the case. I am the original purchaser however and it may be different if you have purchased the mac
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 02 10:18:56 EST 1999 | Justin Medernach
| I have a recent design (1 component side only) that calls for 2 surface mounted antenna's (brass plated) to be mounted on a PCB. The problem arises when the PCB is 18x11.25 and has 15 to 20 PCB's in the pallet (IE weight, fixturing to hold the ant
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