Electronics Forum: heller and 1900 and exl (Page 1 of 1)

Printer and Reflow Oven Recommendations

Electronics Forum | Tue May 19 13:29:33 EDT 2015 | dyoungquist

We have been running a Heller 1707EXL for 8 years and added a Heller 1707MKIII about 1 years ago. We have not had any problems with either one of them. We do both lead and lead-free assemblies along with BGA/LGA components. If speed/volume is not

Printer and Reflow Oven Recommendations

Electronics Forum | Fri May 15 21:39:48 EDT 2015 | jlawson

Reflow.. 1.Rehm (Germany) - Best in Class Best overall process stability heating system ( Alot of makers have started to copy there VX heating arrangement ). COnveyor chains can be a bit more attention in terms of maintenance on rehm , but if foll

I am now looking for Juki, MPM and Heller manual

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 11 10:58:11 EST 2011 | cpcompany

Hello Sir. I am now looking for some operational manual for Juki,MPM and Heller equipments urgently. If you can provide a manual in PDF file, then please help me out. 1.MPM UP3000 screen printer 2.JUKI KE750 / KE760 pick and placer 3.Heller 1707EX

Convection Oven and thermo profiling of Circuit Boards

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 17 19:42:34 EDT 2000 | Russ Cutler

We just bought a new Heller 1800 EXL reflow oven for reflowing SMT boards. We us a low temp RMA solder paste with 2% silver. Everything we build is to IPC Class 3 specifications. We have approximately 600 different types of circuit boards we build

SMT line expansion - new oven and selective solder

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 22 11:37:00 EST 2020 | kylehunter

Hey all, I've made a post in the past about us expanding to a new space, but I wanted to do a new post with specific questions. We currently have a DEK 265, Phillips Opal Xii, and a Heller 1500. Our main reason for expanding is to have a lead-free


heller and 1900 and exl searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

Heller Industries Inc.
Heller Industries Inc.

Reflow ovens for automated SMT PCB assembly, specializing in lead free processing and nitrogen reflow. The best convection reflow ovens on the market.


4 Vreeland Rd.
Florham Park, NJ USA

Phone: 973-377-6800

Best SMT Reflow Oven

World's Best Reflow Oven Customizable for Unique Applications
SMT feeders

Stencil Printing 101 Training Course
PCB Handling Machine with CE

High Precision Fluid Dispensers
2024 Eptac IPC Certification Training Schedule

Software for SMT placement & AOI - Free Download.
PCB Depanelizers

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