Electronics Forum: heller controller for 1500 (Page 1 of 2)

Looking for old Heller 1500 parts list and/ or manual

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 14 10:50:54 EST 2018 | mainenetservices

Please contact Heller Service department at info@hellerindustries.com to get parts quote and technical help. Please make sure to provide oven model, serial number and parts pictures.

CFM requirements for Heller 1500 reflow oven exhaust

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 23 18:25:12 EDT 2008 | shanenaturalpoint

I just purchased a used Heller 1500 reflow oven for an SMT line that I am ting up. Looking for the CFM requirements for my exhaust venting. Does anyone out there have any information on what the minimum requirements are for pumping this exhaust out

CFM requirements for Heller 1500 reflow oven exhaust

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 06 23:32:19 EDT 2008 | darby

It SHOULD be written on the machine. I have had/have 1500 Hellers that range from 60cfm to 500cfm Check the fine smtnet archives. http://www.smtnet.com/forums/index.cfm?fuseaction=view_thread&CFApp=1&Thread_ID=8859&#Message35065

Looking for old Heller 1500 parts list and/ or manual

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 09 13:53:41 EST 2018 | proceng1

We still have an old Heller 1500W kicking around and I can't locate a parts list or manual. I know some "spring cleaning" went on and I'm wondering if someone tossed them. The main issue is the edge rail chains seem to suddenly have a lot of slack.

CFM requirements for Heller 1500 reflow oven exhaust

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 24 10:49:12 EDT 2008 | slthomas

100 CFM at each exhaust if you're using room air, 25 CFM/ea if you're using nitrogen (according to my manual...never used nitrogen myself) per their specified delivery rates.

Require software for Heller 1707EXL

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 30 03:57:29 EDT 2019 | SMTA-David

Hi, I am looking for software for 2003 model 1707 EXL reflow oven (HC1 controller). I believe latest version for that model is (98 Win) or for XP. Thanks

Heller 1700SX or Heller 1700EXL for Lead free

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 02 01:56:53 EST 2008 | rfematt

Does anyone have used Heller 1700SX (2001) or Heller 1700EXL (1999) for lead free? I found some references in this forum for Heller 1500 but anything for last ovens, just wondering if they can be used though they may run slow.

SPC for MPM UP1500 Stencil Printers

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 26 11:04:34 EDT 2002 | mcmilse

This is a general question just to see what people may be doing to control the stencil printing process. I am new to the stencil printing process and as the subject line states I am looking to set up an SPC plan for my MPM UP1500. Now I have a few

Cpk Variables Control for Paste Printing

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 04 16:38:51 EST 2002 | davef

Equipment companies like to talk about �accuracy� and �repeatability�. These measures provide limited information. Flaws of the measure aside, some printer companies have begun to report Cp. * DEK ELA: Cp = 1.33 @ �0.025mm * DEK 265: Cp = 1.6 @ �0.0

Re: here's one for you board stuffers!!!

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 09 12:31:42 EST 1999 | Steve Joy

| Any idea what the "industry standard" is for fall out on assembled PCB's? I realize that the controls put in place in your processes will effect your overall quality. But I'm trying for a general answer. On pre-tested assemblies, should you exp

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Heller Industries Inc.
Heller Industries Inc.

Reflow ovens for automated SMT PCB assembly, specializing in lead free processing and nitrogen reflow. The best convection reflow ovens on the market.


4 Vreeland Rd.
Florham Park, NJ USA

Phone: 973-377-6800

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World's Best Reflow Oven Customizable for Unique Applications
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