Electronics Forum: hepco 7700 parts (Page 1 of 1)

Has anyone seen info On Reflow Reflow Soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 15 13:28:05 EDT 2004 | Oscar Cortes

Has anyone seen information on the Reflow Reflow soldering method, without using glue? Currently run a Fuji 241 XP and Ecra Paster, however we do not have the glue attachments for double sided boards. I've heard double sided boards can be reflowed

please help identify a component...

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 25 12:15:56 EDT 2013 | ericrr

I was flicking through the "Element14" (previously known as Farnell) BIG catalog (looking at the pictures) far superior to looking via internet. and found the closest to what you are after a five pin version. "Battery Interconnection System" Header,

Re: BGA rework station and x-ray inspector

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 22 13:57:03 EDT 1998 | bill

| | We need BGA rework station and x-ray inspector recently in urget case, Do you have any information to rework FPGA package and inspect them during processing. | Thx for any information | Best Regards, | Stoney Tsai If you are doing any reballing

Thick lead

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 13 10:31:16 EDT 2004 | davef

No, experience, but a couple of comments are: * Your 2mm leads are proabably not ment to be trimmed. Consider returning these and buying components with shorter leads. [We know, we know. You have to build this piece of junk right NOW!!!! B-)] * I

Re: In-line lead trimmers

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 23 16:19:14 EDT 1998 | Dave f

| I have been requested to explore the possibilities of using an inline lead trimmer in our manufacturing process. I have a few questions I need answered. | 1. Can anyone recommend a good model of trimmer for in-line use? | 2. We do double sided SMT,

Re: PTH Cut Form Equipment

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 14 09:26:55 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| | I am examining cut & form PTH component prep equipment to help in our manual PTH insertion process. We need the ability to process both axial & radial with snap-in and stand-off capability. Low volume with the ability to feed bulk, T&R, or Stick.

Re: PTH Cut Form Equipment

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 14 19:09:54 EDT 1999 | JohnW

| | | I am examining cut & form PTH component prep equipment to help in our manual PTH insertion process. We need the ability to process both axial & radial with snap-in and stand-off capability. Low volume with the ability to feed bulk, T&R, or Stic


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