Electronics Forum: high res picture (Page 1 of 10)

Solder balls high on IC

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 26 14:45:36 EDT 2019 | dwl

Excellent X-ray picture, very helpful! It looks like you have a lot of voiding on the center thermal pad. My guess is that outgassing is pushing solder off the pad which is forming solder balls outside the body of the component package. The first

How are you reworking high mass LED pcb's?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 07 15:00:19 EDT 2017 | emeto

A picture shows more than a thousand words. If you show us the LED and PCB if possible, I am sure people here will come up with some ideas.

How are you reworking high mass LED pcb's?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 07 22:27:07 EDT 2017 | heros_electronics

Hi jchri, Evtimocv is correct. I think there is somebody or manufacturer can help if the problem is found with a picture.

How to calcualte the capa. of smt line in high mix low volume.

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 17 03:19:01 EDT 2001 | mugen

Interesting, we have a SMT division, that caters to the exact scenario you depict... Actually am also trying to determine, a system of answering "high mix, low volume" picture... Just my humble point of view, dun think there is "best" system in th

ERSA versa as alternative to wave soldering in low vol high mix

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 01 01:21:05 EDT 2005 | cmiller

PS, sorry for any confusion, ALDSMT and CMILLER are both me. ADLSMT is my user name on SMTNET and CMILLER is me, cmiller@adltech.com I usually use cmiler to reply to stuff as if anybody e-mails me it makes more sense. adltech.com is a work in progr

SMT SOT-23 Part Rotation

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 31 19:10:17 EST 2022 | chuckphd53

Thanks for the reply... I have two camera types Low Res and Hi Res... I use the Low Res which is just for the 'absence' of part ie. empty feeder etc so it just makes sure the part got picked up... I could try the High Res camera, but it does increa

Mydata Hydra and 0201 components

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 01 17:20:06 EDT 2005 | Mike

Is anyone currently mounting 0201's with the Hydra/Linescan combination with good results? We have a My series machine and are currently mounting the 0201's with high res camera. The results are good but it is painfully slow. Thanks in advance for

BGA x-ray services 3D

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 18 19:48:03 EST 2010 | glennster

Hi, At Process Sciences we can provide high-res X-ray inspection. You can view some sample images on our website. Glenn Robertson www.process-sciences.com

Reflow soldering of lead-free components with leaded solder paste

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 23 11:50:14 EST 2024 | emanuel

Unfortunately it is not possible to post pictures here. It looks the same as in these photos: https://yic-assm.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/dewetting-1.jpg https://res.cloudinary.com/engineering-com/image/upload/v1577777622/tips/20191216_174750_1_a

BGA x-ray services 3D

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 14 12:39:31 EST 2010 | gregcr

Hi All, We have a glenbrook x-ray in house, but I am in need of a high resolution x-ray of some failed BGA image sensors. Does anyone know of a company that does hi-res or 3D x-ray service? We are not getting enough detail to really see what may be

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