Electronics Forum | Wed May 26 15:02:40 EDT 1999 | Paul Bonstrom (SGI)
Looking for help in finding suitable high temp gasket for use in smt assy support application. Gasket used to restrain flex on smt module in area prone to localized heating due to nearby device removal (hot air). Current gasket mtl (neoprene) degra
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 20 10:50:49 EST 2002 | dphilbrick
Kester has a special alloy for high temp soldering. Alloy 123. I would think that if you coocked 63/37 to 360c you would have a pot of dross in no time! Doug
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 20 07:50:00 EST 2002 | aerineng
Hi, I'm an SMT refugee working in component manufacture - hey, times are hard! I've been asked by a customer to test some of my parts at high temperature on the wave - up to 360 deg Celsius. I've checked my wave and it's only capable of getting up
Electronics Forum | Wed May 26 16:36:02 EDT 1999 | John Thorup
| Looking for help in finding suitable high temp gasket for | use in smt assy support application. | | Gasket used to restrain flex on smt module in area prone | to localized heating due to nearby device removal (hot air). | | Current gasket mtl (n
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 25 18:51:06 EDT 2000 | Steve Thomas
We have quite a few stencils that either are debonding, have debonded, or we suspect will debond when we can least afford for it to happen. The epoxy is coming loose from the foil, but remains attached to the webbing. All the stencils that are comi
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 16 20:12:12 EST 2005 | bkd
Does anyone knows any vendors that supplies jedec precondition tray that could stand up to 270�C peak reflow temperature.
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 22 12:37:18 EDT 2000 | jonyoder
I am having problems with SMT electrolytic capacitors expanding and changing values after going through our reflow. The reflow profile we use includes temperatures of 200 deg C for 60 seconds and 230 deg C for 30 seconds. We need to use this profil
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 15:21:09 EST 2012 | davef
High-temp ball Sn10Pb90 + eutectic solder paste is common place for MLC reflow. Temperatures necessary to alloy the high-temp ball Sn10Pb90 and eutectic solder would be high enough to compromise interposer, board and many components. What are your:
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 20 14:46:26 EST 2011 | dscott6977
Just wondering if anyone has a Heller reflow oven and is currently or in the past use Tribol 1421 high temp chain oil. Thanks.
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 08 10:52:22 EST 2012 | Bryan Ng
I am considering using high-temp ball Sn10Pb90 + eutectic solder paste for MLC reflow (no underfill). You can see that there is no Intermetallic bond for the paste and the balls. Under high stress/shock condition, the solder joints develop micro c