Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 16 23:34:56 EST 2006 | mds33200
Hi, I am new in this industry and have purchased a beguinner unut, a 3-in-1 solder, desolder, hot air station. Currently I work on cellphone mainboards. At the moment I only replace single large chips on the mainboard. I would like to be able to repl
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 17 15:12:26 EST 2006 | mds33200
Hi, I am located in Auburn Mass (USA) right near Worcester. Now I noticed you talked about micro stencil for a populated PCB, would I need one? Or could I use a syringe to lay a tiny dot of paste since im only replacing a chip or 2 (at the moment)? I
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 17 14:42:06 EST 2006 | billwestiet
Mark, This is a big topic. Where are you located, it would probably be best to hook you up with someone in your area. Anyhow, lead or lead free should be based on whether the circuits are lead or lead free. I would guess that cell phones would all
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 17 16:24:18 EST 2006 | billwestiet
I'm in North Attleboro, small world. To answer your question, you can deposit small dots of paste with a syringe. Kind of tricky work, and there are small stencil soluions out there fairly inexpensively. See http://www.minimicrostencil.com/ (I do
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 13 05:25:03 EDT 2001 | surachai
I would like to know about the efficiency of hot air knife debridging option with wave solder machine ,anyone use this option please suggestion to me about yield ,side effect or profitable of this option . Thanks.
Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 14 10:34:42 EDT 2001 | davef
This portion of SMTnet is intended for people whining about the operation of the forums and what-not. A lot of the people asking questions like your use the production forum. We don't have an air knife on our wave, but I recall some threads on SMTn
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 16 15:29:30 EDT 2001 | steven
When Air-Vac introduced an IR system at a show in San Jose, people though it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. For obvious reasons they discontinued the short life of the IR systems and implemented hot air into their rework stations. Sales
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 10 17:32:52 EDT 2013 | soscomputer
you're right for sure, but there is some brand like hakko i don't like them why ? because process and menus (controllers) doesn't really give a good result. For example fm206, hot air/desoldering/soldering station doesn't have the real tc. And a lot
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 16 04:54:44 EDT 2001 | mugen
METCAL has a good unit, for BGA rework, and it uses Hot Air Reflow (convection). The pros and cons of Hot Air Vs IR, you can find easily ard u... em are ageless topics, happy debating. hint : good reasons why SMT Reflow Ovens, were IR switched to
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 17 09:51:25 EST 2004 | AS
I'm looking for advise on setting up a prototype station for smt (we are currently outsourcing smt production, but have a need for rapid in house prototyping). The station must be able to handle only single sided boards with components no smaller th